Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mattel and Toy Safty Essay

In 2007, the Mattel toy company recalled around 20 million of its toy products do to contamination of lead in the paint and safety issues dealing with parts of its products (magnets) that was manufactured in China. The Mattel Company is considered the â€Å"global leader’ in toy manufacturing with over 30,000 people employed in over 40 countries and operates in more than 150 countries. The Mattel Company faces the dilemma a lot of companies face when using overseas manufacturing. If not closely monitored, they can and will cut corners which could put the company at risk. Who is responsible for the safety of children’s toy and who should be held accountable? An Analysis of the Mattel case study should reveal who is and who isn’t. 1. Do you believe that Mattel acted in a socially responsible and ethical manner with regards to the safety of its toys? Why or why not? What should or could Mattel have done differently? The study case of the Mattel Toy Company’s toy recall is a difficult one to call. The company went over and beyond to make sure that its products where safe for the public. The case study states that in 1997, the Mattel Company developed a â€Å"code of conduct† which included a wide range of ethical issue such as child safety laws, safety and health regulations. Mattel went as for to hire Professor S. Prakash Sethi, who is the head of a non-profit organization by the name of the International Center for Corporate Accountability which conducted audits on Mattel facilities. Mattel was also recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of the most trustworthy U.S. companies and was also recognized by CRO Magazine as one of the best corporate citizens out of 100, so they had built a reputation for being a solid socially responsible and ethical company. Ethics can be defined as moral principles that guides the way a person or a business behaves. Social responsibility is an ethical theory, that a person  or a business has an obligation to benefit society as a whole. Basically the products or actions of a person or a business should be a benefit to society and The Mattel Company took pride in being just that. Even though Mattel had to recall a lot of its products, I do believe they acted socially responsible and ethically. Mattel tested its products in their own testing facilities and in other special test labs to ensure the safety and quality of its products, and had specifically targeted lead based paint. Once Mattel found out that some of its products contained harmful lead based paint and the magnets in some of its products could be a safety concern, the company had an immediate recall of the products contaminated. Mattel used several outlets such as the Consumer Product Safety Commission, regulating agencies from all over the world and newspapers to address the issue of the lead based paint in its products and the magnet problem. Mattel also made it possible for consumers of their products to have access to outlets in which they can return the contaminated products for a refund or a safer replacement product. Mattel did do a lot to ensure the safety and quality of their products, but, they could have taken even further steps to avoid this situation. For one, Mattel should has done research on the on the Chinese firms outside contractors. Even though some of these contractors had been audited, they replaced the approved paint for the lead based paint. So Mattel should have kept a closer eye on these subcontractors in order to maintain their good image with society. Mattel cannot be solely at fought for this recall; the Mattel Company was also a victim in this situation. 2. Who or what do you believe was responsible for the fact that children where exposed to potentially dangerous toys? Why do you think so? This is a hard question because there are several entities that can be blamed for this recall. Number one is those that are responsible for consumer product safety. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is an independent federal regulating agency who assumes the responsibility of protecting the public from dangerous products. This agency was created in 1972 with the Consumer Product Safety Act. This Act gives the CPSC the authority to develop standards and bans on products. It is the job of this regulating agency to make sure that products are safe for public use, but it seems the dropped the ball on the Mattel toy recall. The case study states that the CPSC was severely underfunded and understaffed. The case study also states  that in 2007 the CPSC only had about 400 employees in which only 15 of them were investigators with the job of investigating products that come through the ports. Needless to say with the amount of product that come through the ports and the number of ports used in the U.S. to import and export product is too much for only 15 people to handle, also the CPSC only had 100 employees monitoring products on store shelves and only had a budget of 62 million. Another player that has responsibility in exposing children to potentially harmful products (toys) is the Chinese government. The enforcement of lead standards in China was not enforced, so the companies did as they wanted when it came to lead based paint. The magnet situation of more of a product design malfunction, according to the case study, so that can be easily taken care of, however, the lead base paint issue is one of enforcement. If the Chinese government had adequate enforcement of lead paint regulations, which is better than that of the U.S. at one point, this would have never been a problem for the Mattel toy company. The most responsible for this recall is the Mattel Company. Regardless of regulation inspectors and audits, they owe it to the stakeholders of the company to ensure that the products that they are manufacturing are safe. That is what social responsibility and ethics are based upon. 3. What is the best way to ensure the safety of children’s toys? There is no way to fully ensure the safety of children’s toys, but the best way is to enforce federal legislation on toy manufactures. This is a challenge because the majority toys in this country are manufactured in other countries such as China and Asia . Federal regulation can ensure that there are uniform standards for toy manufacturing. As of June 12, 2012, all manufactures and importers of children’s toy must comply with federal regulation. These toys must be tested for compliance of regulation and the testing must be done by the CPSC. It is also in the best interest of other countries to enforce regulation on toy manufactures. Since toys are a big export for other countries such as China and Asia, they would want to be in good standing with the U.S. by setting some standards on toy manufacturing. Consumer’s advocates groups need to stay involved in toy safety issues and provide input that can help set guidelines for federal legislation. The consumer advocates can influence regulation and keep the public informed on issues of child toy safety. In 2008, consumer groups such as the Consumers  Union, Consumer Federation of America, and Kids in Danger attended House and Senate conferences to push for a well-funded Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). As a response to the demand of the consumer advocate groups, Congress acted by banning lead based products in children’s toys. This act of the consumer advocate groups is a perfect example of the interactive social system between corporations and society, the fact that they are so interdependent on one another that if action is taken by one it will affect the other (Lawrence & Webber, 2011, p.21). These stakeholders can have a profound effect on regulation of a company. The toy industry can also play a large role to ensure the safety of children’s toys. They can listen to input form stakeholders on issues that could make their products safer. They also can follow the requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Commission closely or even go a step beyond the CPSC regulations to ensure that their toys are safe for kids. The toy industry could also be shown as a leader in toy safety by collaborating with foreign manufactures to push their toy safety regulation to coincide with that of the U.S. standard. They could hold international regulation meetings and have input on the regulation of toy safety that can have influence on policy. These kinds of actions from the toy industry could give them a good standing with stakeholders and regulators both if they are viewed as being actively involved in the safety of the children’s toys that they are making. After all these are their customers and in business you are trying to acquire more customers not lose them, so these type of actions by the toy industry would only benefit them and the customers that helps make them the business’s that they are today. Since the increase of imported toys, the rate of injury to kids playing with toys has increased. Accountability of the toy industry is a must to bring toy safety to a minimum. Corporate negligence of the sub-contractors of toy manufactures need to be recognized and investigated thoroughly to insure toy safety. An article be the American Association for Justice (Playing with Safety: Dangerous toys and the Role of Americas Civil Justice System) states that â€Å"A Public Citizens analysis of consumer recalls found that companies waited an average of 993 days to inform the CPSC of defects, and the agency (CPSC) waited another 209 days before informing the public (American Association for Justice) of the dangerous toys. This is a little more than 3 years before the public is  informed of a toy health hazard by the toy industry and CPSC. The CPSC and the toy industry should be held responsible and held accountable for those that are put in danger by these toys. If both the CPSC and the toy industry are held accountable for the time laps of getting the information to the public it would improve toy safety. 4. What do you think is to best way for society to pr otect children from harmful toys? Specifically, what are the appropriate roles various stakeholders in this process? The best way to protect children from harmful toys has to be a collective effort between stakeholders, the toy industry, and government regulators. This collective effort can be beneficial to all. First, the federal government must fund the CPSC properly in order for it to function at a level in which it can handle the bulk of toys coming through our ports. I can see how the CPSC was overwhelmed with the task of making sure all toy products are safe before and after they hit the shelves. The CPSC was too understaffed and underfunded to be affective. At the time of the recalls, the CPSC’s power was limited to ensure the safety of children’s toys. According to an article written by Jo Hartely of the National News (Protecting Our Children from Toxic Toys), â€Å"The CPSC cannot legally test children’s products before sale and do not have the funds or capacity to do so if desired† (Hartley, 2008). This at the time really made it hard to ensure toy safety. Also, according to the article, another way to ensure toy safety is to revise the U.S chemical regulatory system. The article states that around 80,000 chemicals are cleared for use in everyday products and 2,500 are introduced every year. Most of these chemical have not been tested for potential health impacts on children or fetuses (Hartley, 2008). This is another flaw in the regulatory system that needs to be addressed to ensure toy safety and it will take a collaborative effort to make this happen. The appropriate role for the non-market stakeholder in this toy safety issue is to use the non-market stakeholder’s power to use resources to influence regulatory policy on toy safety. Stakeholder power is founded in the power that they have to vote for those that support regulations that they want to see enacted on toy safety. The can also utilize economic power in order to get there point across to the toy industry on toy safety. They also have the power to use civil suits against negligent toy manufactures that are selling harmful toys. Consumer advocate groups are also categorized as  non-market stakeholders. These groups can pull resources and get the word out about the negligence of a toy manufacture which could also persuade government entities to act. Groups such as the Consumer Federation of America, kids in danger and the Consumer Union have already influenced stricter regulation of the toy industry with success. The categorization of the federal government as a non-market stakeholder is still up in the air for most, but, the impact and role that the government has in the issue of toy safety is huge. The government can and has the power to regulate the toy industry to ensure toy safety. Regulating toy safety is not an easy task for the government and will not ensure that all toys will be safe, but, they can minimize the problem. One way they government can minimize harmful toys that may get in the possession of children is by funding the CPSC properly so that they can enforce the regulatory laws on toys safety. Between 2008 and 2011 the federal government passed regulations that give the CPSC more power to hold the toy industry accountable for toy safety. In 2008, the Consumer product Safety Act was amended in 2011 which gave the CPSC new found power to enforce regulation laws on the toy industry which included civil and criminal penalties for those that broke the laws of toy safety. It also included third party testing of toy products so that testing of the products was not left solely to the toy industry which could be manipulated as so the case of Mattel toys. The federal government also passed the Child Protection Safety Act, which protects children from choking hazards. This legislation requires warning labels on products that may present a choking hazard for kids and also mandates that manufactures, importers, distributors, and retailers to report certain choking incidents. Even though the Mattel toy company and CPSC regulatory agency made adjustments necessary to minimize children’s toy hazards. It was their duty and obligation toy insure that the products that they sold were safe for children to play with in the beginning. All though Mattel had an outstanding ethical and social responsible reputation, the ball was dropped on this issue in 2007. One reason was the expansion of manufacturing and production of their products to foreign countries that they could no keep a close eye on. All in all it is up to us all to ensure the safety of our children when purchasing toys for our kids to play with. We cannot solely leave it up to r egulatory  systems and toy manufacture; we also have to play our role in this issue. Reference American Association for Justice (2010). Playing with Safety: Dangerous Toys and the Role of America’s Civil System. Lawrence, A. T., & Weber, J. (2011). Business and Society: Stakeholder, ethics, public policy (13 Ed). New York. McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. Hartley, J. (2008). Natural News, Protecting Our Children from Toxic Toys. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.–Standards/Statutes/

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Statistik dalam penyelidikan pendidikan

PENDAHULUANTajuk ini dipilih kerana parity pengkaji hendak mengetahui tahap penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi ( TMK ) di kalangan guru-guru Sains sekolah menengah di daerah Gombak bagi memastikan kejayaan mengintegrasikan teknologi ke dalam bilik darjah. Pendidik yang berkompetensi teknologi memahami hubungan di antara fungsi asas komputer dan pembelajaran pelajar. Setiap kali suatu teknologi baru diperkenalkan dalam bilik darjah, ada pihak yang Akan menyokong dan mendakwa teknologi ini Akan merevolusikan cara guru mengajar, cara murid belajar dan secara amnya keseluruhan cara pendidikan dikendalikan. Dalam abad ke-21 ini, negara menghadapi cabaran baru kesan daripada globalisasi, liberalisasi, pengantarabangsaan dan perkembangan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi ( TMK ) . Sehubungan dengan itu Malaysia memerlukan modal insan yang juga celik TMK, progresif dan mampu bersaing di pasaran kerja planetary. Oleh itu, guru-guru perlulah lebih `competent ‘ dan `well-informed ‘ , dimana seseorang guru itu berkemampuan mengolah maklumat dan pengetahuan yang sebegitu banyak dengan ketajaman daya analisisnya dan kemampuannya untuk berfikir secara integratif dan conceptual. Ini akan membolehkannya bertindak balas dengan cepat terhadap perkembangan pesat di sekitarnya. Beberapa masalah timbul mengenai pengetahuan tahap penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi di kalangan guru-guru Sains di sekolah menengah. Antaranya adalah:Sejauh manakah tahap penggunaan TMK oleh guru dalam P & A ; P Sains?Adakah penggunaan TMK membantu meringankan beban guru dalam P & A ; P Sains?Apakah faktor-faktor yang mendorong dan menghalang penggunaan TMK oleh guru dalam P & A ; P Sains?OBJEKTIF KAJIANObjektif kajian ini ialah untuk:Untuk mengenalpasti tahap frekuensi penggunaan TMK oleh guru dalam P & A ; P Sains.Untuk mengenalpasti tahap frekuensi bentuk bahan TMK yang digunakan oleh guru dalam P & A ; P Sains.Untuk mengenalpasti faktor yang mendorong penggunaan TMK oleh guru dalam P & A ; P Sains.Untuk mengenalpasti faktor yang menghalang penggunaan TMK oleh guru dalam P & A ; P Sains.Untuk mengenalpasti kelebihan penggunaan TMK dalam P & A ; P Sains.SOALAN KAJIANKajian ini dijalankan untuk menjawab beberapa persoalan mengenai tahap penggunaan TMK oleh guru dalam P & A ; P Sains.Apakah tahap frekuensi penggunaan TMK oleh guru dalam P & A ; P Sains?Apakah tahap frekuensi bentuk bahan TMK yang digunakan oleh gu ru dalam P & A ; P Sains?Apakah faktor yang mendorong peggunaan TMK oleh guru dalam P & A ; P Sains?Apakah faktor yang menghalang penggunaan TMK oleh guru dalam P & A ; P Sains?Apakah kelebihan penggunaan TMK dalam P & A ; P Sains?METODOLOGIDua teknik analisis telah digunakan dalam kajian ini, yakni yang pertama analisis deskriptif dan yang keduanya adalah analisis inferensi. Statistik deskriptif membantu mengatur, memaparkan dan menerangkan informations dengan menggunakan jadual, graf dan teknik rumusan. Terdapat lapan puluh responden, oleh itu ianya boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai sesuatu populasi. Selain daripada itu, statistic inferensi pula merangkumi teknik atau langkah yang menggunakan sampel ujikaji untuk membuat keputusan dan generalisasi terhadap sesuatu populasi. Justeru, demi memenuhi keperluan ujikaji, dua jenis analisis deskriptif telah digunakan. Analisis ini menggunakan peratus untuk menerangkan maklumat tentang latarbelakang responden seperti jantina, umur, bangsa, opysen, bilangan tahun mengajar matapelajaran sains dan latarbelakang pendidikan tertinggi. Analisis yang disertakan dalam kajian ini turut mengandungi peratus, min, sisihan piawai, mod, average serta julat minimal dan maximal untuk menerangkan pembolehubah-pembolehubah yang telah dipilih diatas. Selain daripada itu, empat jenis statistik inferensi turut digunakan dalam kajian ini. Chi- kuasa dua digunakan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara dua pembolehubah nominal, iaitu jantina dan bilangan tahun mengajar matapelajaran Sains. Ujikaji-T pula telah digunakan untuk menentukan min antara pembolehubah-pembolehubah tidak bersandar. Korelasi Pearson R, juga telah digunakan untuk menganalisa perhubungan di antara pembolehubah-pembolehubah tidak bersandar. Pembolehubah-pemboleh ubah yang dikaji adalah tahap penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh guru dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh guru, serta kelebihan penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains.SAMPEL KAJIANDalam kajian ini, sampel terdiri daripada guru-guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran Sains di sekolah menengah. Sampel kajian ini dipilih secara rawak mudah yang terdiri daripada pelbagai bangsa dan agama. Persampelan rawak mudah merupakan proses menggunakan sampel bila mana individu dalam populasi mempunyai kebarangkalian yang sama untuk dipilih. Bilangan sampel terdiri daripada 80 Pongo pygmaeus guru yang mengajar dalam mata pelajaran Sains di sekolah menengah.INSTRUMEN KAJIANDalam kajian ini satu set soal selidik telah digunakan untuk mengumpul informations iaitu: –Bahagian A: Soal Selidik Latar Belakang RespondenBahagian B: Soal Selidik Tahap Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Oleh Guru-Guru Sains ( TPTMK )Bahagian C: Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains ( FPTMK )Bahagian D: Kelebihan Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains ( KPTMK )Bahagian A: Soal Selidik Latar Belakang RespondenBahagian A adalah soal selidik berkaitan dengan maklumat diri subjek. Antara item-item yang dimuatkan untuk mendapatkan maklumat pe ribadi guru ialah umur, jantina, bangsa dan opysen matapelajaran, Di samping itu juga, soal selidik ini berkaitan dengan sumber maklumat mengenai bilangan tahun mengajar dalam mata pelajaran Sains dan latar belakang pendidikan tertinggi. Sumber maklumat ini telah diubah suai oleh pengkaji agar bersesuaian dengan kajian yang dijalankan. Subjek diminta menandakan ( / ) terhadap sumber maklumat yang berkaitan dengan diri subjek.Bahagian B: Soal Selidik Tahap Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains ( TPTMK )Bahagian ini adalah doal selidik mengenai tahap penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi terhadap subjek yang dikaji. Alat kajian ini sebenarnya menguji tentang kekerapan tahap penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi subjek dalam Masa seminggu dan juga tahap kekerapan penggunaan peralatan, perkakasan atau perisian yang dibekalkan semasa pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Responden dikehendaki menjawab dua puluh Lima soalan dengan menggunakan dua pilihan jawapan iaitu ya atau tidak.Bahag ian C: Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains. ( FPTMK )Bahagian C adalah soal selidik berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor yang mendorong dan menghalang penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh guru dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Dalam bahagian ini juga, responden dikehendaki menjawab Lima puluh soalan dengan menggunakan dua pilihan jawapan iaitu ya atau tidak.Bahagian D: Kelebihan Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains. ( KPTMK )Bahagian D pula, merupakan soal selidik berkaitan dengan kelebihan penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh guru dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Bahagian ini terbahagi kepada dua kumpulan soalan. Responden dikehendaki menjawab soalan dengan menggunakan dua pilihan jawapan iaitu ya atau tidak.PEMBOLEHUBAH KAJIANPembolehubah bebas dalam kajian ini ialah umur, jantina, bangsa, bilangan t ahun mengajar dan latarbelakang pendidikan tertinggi. Manakala pembolehubah bersandar adalah tahap penggunaan TMK dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi serta kelebihan penggunaan TMK. Soalselidik ini terbahagi kepada empat bahagian iaitu Bahagian A, B, C dan D. Bahagian A mengandungi pembolehubah-pembolehubah di bawah:JantinaUmurBangsaOpysenPengalaman mengajar matapeajaran SainsLatarbelakang Pendidikan TertinggiDalam kajian ini terdapat satu set borang soal selidik yang mengandungi tiga bahagian iaitu Bahagian A, Bahagian B, Bahagian C dan Bahagian D. Dalam Bahagian A, soal selidik latar belakang responden digunakan untuk mengumpul maklumat daripada responden, bilangan tahun mengajar dan latarbelakang pendidikan seperti yang dipaparkan di atas. Bahagian B pula, adalah soal selidik berkaitan dengan tahap penggunaan TMK guru dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Soal selidik tentang tahap penggunaan TMK ini terdiri daripada item-item yang berkaitan dengan tahap kekerapan mengunakan TMK dalam seminggu semasa sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Selain itu, item-item berkaitan dengan kekerapan menggunakan peralatan, perkakasan atau perisian TMK dalam Masa seminggu. Bahagian C, adalah berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan TMK oleh guru dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Dalam bahagian ini item-item yang terdapat dalamnya adalah berkaitan dengan faktor mendorong dan menghalang responden dalam menjayakan pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains dengan menggunakan TMK. Bahagian D, adalah mengenai kelebihan penggunaan TMK oleh guru dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains. Bahagian ini terdiri daripada 50 soalan tertutup yang memerlukan responden menjawab ya atau tidak. Soalan -soalan yang dikemukankan merangkumi, kebaikan dan kelebihan TMK dalam meringankan beban guru dengan menjimatkan Masa, tenaga dan coss dalam penyediaan sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains.LATARBELAKANG RESPONDENItem-item dalam bahagian A soal selidik secara umumnya digunakan untuk mengenalpasti demografi responden Dari aspek umur, jantina, bangsa, opsyen, bilangan tahun mengajar matapelajaran Sains dan latar belakang akademik responden. Seramai 80 Pongo pygmaeus responden yang terdiri daripada 100 % guru Dari Lima buah sekolah menengah di sekitar daerah Gombak. Seramai 40 Pongo pygmaeus responden terdiri daripada guru lelaki, manakala selebihnya merupakan guru perempuan. Majoriti respoden Lelaki and Perempuan masing masing adalah 50 % ( n=40 ) Majoriti respoden adalah dalam lingkungan 30-34 tahun iaitu sebanyak 31 % ( n=25 ) .Diikuti 30 % ( n=24 ) adalah responden dalam lingkungan umur 25-29 tahun. Umur 35-39 ( n=2 ) responden adalah sebanyak 15 % manakala 14 % responden adalah dalam lingkungan 40-44 tahun. 45 keatas adalah sebanyak 6 % dan 4 % adalah umur diantara 20-24 tahun. Majoriti responden adalah Bangsa Melayu iaitu 44 % ( n=35 ) .Dikuti oleh bangsa Cina 28 % ( n=22 ) , 21 % ( n=17 ) adalah bangsa India, manakala 8 % ( n=6 ) adalah dalam kategori lain lain. Majoriti responden 85 % ( n=68 ) adalalah Dari aliran Sains, manakala 15 % ( n=15 ) adalah dalam aliran Bukan Sains. Sejumlah 39 % respoden ( n=31 ) mempunyai Pengalaman Mengajar diantara 4-6 tahun, 0-3 tahun dalam sebanyak 34 % ( n=27 ) , dikuti 7-9 tahun 20 % ( n=16 ) dan hanya 8 % ( n=6 ) mempunyai Pengalaman Mengajar 10 tahun ke atas. 75 % respoden ( n=60 ) adalah kelulusan Ijazah Sarjana Muda, manakala bagi Ijazah Sarjana dan Diploma masing masing adalah 13 % ( n=10 ) .Analisis informationsEmpat inferens analisis telah dijalankan. Khi kuasa dua digunakan untuk menguji perhubungan antara dua pembolehubah-pembolehubah tidak bersandar nominal, jantina dan bilangan tahun mengajar matapelajaran Sains. T-tests telah dijalankan untuk bandingkan cara antara pembolehubah-pembolehubah bersandar. Tiga pembolehubah bersandar yang telah dikaji ialah: Tahap Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Oleh Guru-Guru Sains ( TPTMK ) , Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains ( FPTMK ) , Kelebihan Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains ( KPTMK ) .Ujian DeskriptifJadual 6.1, 6.2 dan 6.3 menunjukan tahap-tahap bagi TPTMK, FPTMK, dan KPTMK masing-masing. Nilai berangka dimensi pembolehubah-pe mbolehubah di atas sahaja tidak menunjukkan kekuatan relatif tahap-tahap ini. Beberapa perbandingan diperlukan untuk menandakan ini. Jadual 6.4: Ujian Analisis Khi Kuasa Dua Antara Jantina Dan Bilangan Tahun Mengajar Untuk Keseluruhan Sampel ( N=80 ) . Langkah 1: H0: Tidak ada perhubungan jantina dan bilangan tahun mengajar H1: Terdapat perhubungan antara jantina dan bilangan tahun mengajar Langkah 2: Kami menggunakan taburan X? untuk menguji darjah kebebasan atau perhubungan antara pembolehubah jantina dan bilangan tahun mengajar Langkah 3: Menentukan kawasan penolakan dan bukan penolakan. Tahap signifikan ialah 0.05 atau 5 % . Kawasan dalam hujung kanan = ? = 0.05 Darjah kebebasan, df = ( Jumlah barisan – 1 ) ( Bilangan ruangan – 1 ) = ( 2 – 1 ) ( 4 – 1 ) = 3 Daripada Jadual X? , untuk df = 3, ? = 0.05, X? = 7.815 Langkah 6: Nilai 3.3 yang diperolehi adalah lebih kecil daripada nilai kritikal ( 7.815 ) dan ia jatuh dalam kawasan bukan penolakan H0. Oleh itu, kami menolak H1 dan mengekalkan H0 ; dimana tidak adenosine deaminase signifikan ( p & lt ; 0.05 ) perhubungan antara jantina dan bilangan tahun mengajar ( X? = 3.3, P & A ; gt ; 0.05 ) . Pekali korelasi additive adalah 0.0018 ( dibundarkan kepada 2 tempat perpuluhan ) Interpretasi: Korelasi di antara TPTMK and FPTMK adalah lemah. Korelasi kuasa dua, merupakan pekali bagi penentuan. r2 = ( 0.0018 ) 2 = 0.00 menunjukkan kiraan 0 % terhadap varians bagi skor FPTMK dalam kes ini. Langkah 4: Menguji dapatan signifikan R melalui hipotesis nul supaya tiada hubungan yang signifikan di antara skor TPTMK dan FPTMK. Bagi menguji nilai dapatan signifikan R yang diperolehi, pertama perlu setkan Arass signifikan yang hendak diuji iaitu 1 % atau pada P & A ; gt ; .01. Kemudian uji hipotesis mengenai populasi pekali korelasi P menggunakan sampel pekali korelasi r. Selain itu jadual taburan T boleh digunakan dalam ujian ini. Apabila n – 2 merupakan nilai darjah kebebasan. Hipotesis nul merupakan pekali korelasi additive di antara dua pembolehubah yang kosong, ? = 0. Hipotesis alternatif boleh menjadi: Pekali korelasi additive di antara 2 pembolehubah yang kurang daripada kosong, ? & A ; gt ; 0 Pekali korelasi additive di antara 2 pembolehubah yang lebih daripada kosong, ? & A ; lt ; 0 Pekali korelasi additive di antara 2 pembolehubah yang tidak sama dengan kosong, ? ? 0 Catat hipotesis nul: ( ? merupakan pekali korelasi populasi ) Holmium: ? = 0 ( Pekali korelasi additive adalah kosong dalam populasi ) H1: ? & gt ; 0 ( Pekali koralsi additive adalah positif dalam populasi ) bermaksud satu hujung ( Apabila kita menguji H1: hanya korelasi positif wujud di mana Iowa adalah mustahil bagi korelasi negative wujud ) ( Selain itu, kita harus menguji H1: ? ? 0, apabila kami ingin menguji korelasi kedua-dua atau negative iaitu ujian dua- hujung ) Langkah 5: Pilih fungsi taburan yang perlu digunakan. Taburan populasi untuk kedua-dua pembolehubah adalah normal. Oleh itu, kita boleh menggunakan taburan T untuk menunjukkan ujian tersebut adalah pekali korelasi linear. Langkah 6: Menentukan kawasan penolakan dan bukan penolakan Aras signifikan adalah 1 % . Melalui hipotesis alternatif, kita dapat mengetahui ujian itu adalah hujung kanan. Oleh itu Kawasan pada hujung kanan taburan T = 0.01 df = n – 2 = 80 – 2 = 78 Melalui taburan T, nilai kritikal bagi T adalah 1.292. Kawasan penolakan dan bukan penolakan untuk ujian ini adalah seperti di bawah: Langkah 8: Membuat keputusan Nilai bagi ujian statistik T = 0.016 is adlah kurang daripada nilai kritikal T = 1.292 dan Iowa jatuh di kawasan yang bukan penolakan. Oleh itu, kita menerima hipotesis nul dan membuat kesimpulan bahawa tiada hubungan additive yang signifikan, di antara TPTMK dengan FPTMK.DAPATAN KAJIANKeputusan Khi-kuasa dua menunjukkan bahawa tiada hubungan di antara jantina dan kawasan khas. ( X2= 3.3, P & A ; gt ; 0.05 ) . Sampel ujian-t yang berpasangan dijalankan untuk menilai jikalau terdapat hubungan di antara FPTMK dan TPTMK, FPTMK dan KPTMK serta TPTMK dan KPTMK. Keputusan menunujukkan bahawa min bagi FPTMK ( , SD= 8.9314 ) adalah signifikan dan lebih besar daripada min bagi TPTMK ( , SD=6.853 ) , t ( 158 ) =44.6329, P & A ; gt ; 0.025. Ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara FPTMK dan TPTMK di kalangan guru. Keputusan ini juga menunjukkan bahawa min bagi KPTMK ( , SD=6.293 ) . Ujian-t di antara FPTMK dan KPTMK T ( 158 ) =51.7703, P & A ; gt ; 0.025. Ini juga menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan signifikan di antara FPTMK dan KPTMK di kalangan guru. Keputusan ujian-t di antara TPTMK dan KPTMK adalah T ( 158 ) =6.7902, P & A ; gt ; 0.025. Ini juga menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara TPTMK dan KPTMK di kalangan guru di daerah Gombak.KESIMPULANKesimpulan yang boleh dibuat daripada analisis empat inferensi adalah khi-kuasa dua menunjukkan bahawa tiada perhubungan di antara jantina dan bilangan tahun mengajar. Manakala kesemua keputusan ujian-t menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan di antara jantina dan pengalaman mengajar. Tambahan pula, keputusan kesemua ujian-t tak bersandar yang utama iaitu Tahap Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Oleh Guru-Guru Sains ( TPTMK ) , Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains ( FPTMK ) , Kelebihan Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains ( KPTMK ) ada menunjukkan perkaitan antara satu sama lain. Pekali korelasi Pearson di antara tiga pembolehubah ( TPTMK, FPTMK, KPTMK ) menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat hubungan additive yang signifikan di antara mereka. Berdasarkan pada keputusan analisis yang di perolehi, di sarankan adalah baik sekiranya tahap penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi oleh guru ditingkatkan. Ini secara tidak langsung akan membantu parity guru meringankan beban guru-guru di sekolah dan Iowa juga akan memberikan kesan baik terhadap pelajar. Guru-guru baru juga harus menjalani kursus pra-pratikum di mana mereka perlu didedahkan kepada Pendekatan Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi dalam Pengajaran Sains. Manakala guru-guru yang sudah berada dalam perkhidmatan atau guru yang berpengalaman, boleh didedahkan kepada Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi melalui kursus pendek atau kursus dalaman. Umumnya, Iowa boleh dikatakan bahawa ramai guru yang berpengalaman secara semula jadi mempunyai banyak pendedahan dan motivasi untuk membangunkan profesion pengajaran mereka. Walaubagaimanapun, kepercayaan ini boleh menjadi persoalan dalam konteks fakta dimana kebolehan dan kecemerlangan seseorang individu boleh meningkat melalui insiatif sendiri atau pembangunan serta keazaman untuk memperbaiki diri sendiri. Oleh itu, ia boleh diringkaskan kepada realiti bahawa Iowa bergantung kepada diri guru itu sendiri untuk menyedari dan meningkatkan kemahiran pengajaran sendiri untuk menjadi guru yang inovatif dan kreatif.RUJUKANCoakes, S.J. , et Al. ( 2008 ) . SPSS Analysis Without Anguish. China: John Wiley & A ; Sons Inc.Green, S.B. , et Al ( 1997 ) . Using SPSS for Windowss: Analyzing and Understanding Data. New Jersey: Prentice HallMann, P.S. ( 2007 ) . Intoduction Statistic 6th Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & A ; Sons Inc.Norusis, M.J. ( 1997 ) . SPSS Guide to Data Analysis. New Jersey: Prentice Hall

Monday, July 29, 2019

Metropolis City Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Metropolis City Report - Essay Example All these come with occupational health and safety challenges. This article will explore the occupational health and safety challenges faced by rapidly developing cities with similar to Metropolis’ and explain a hazard and risk assessment plan that would enable these cities prepare for the public health risks that come with the exposure to environmental chemicals. Land contamination involves a wide array of conditions defined in the Environmental Protection Act (Environment Agency, 2010). The UK has had a long and varied industrial history and some of the industries that have been active at one time or the other being viewed as potential land pollutants. Much of the UK’s industrial activity, especially in the heavy industry sectors of iron and steel manufacture, chemical production and coal extraction took place before the modern systems of environmental pollution controls had been put in place. It was not until 1990 that the UK enacted a law to control land contamination (Hester et al., 2001). Metropolis faced several hazards resulting from land pollution from its former textile, coal and steel industries. Most of the land pollution that arose from the textile industry was as a result of the numerous chemical processes that raw materials pass through before turning into fabric. The textile industry processes such as dyeing, bleaching, printing, mercerization, scouring, sizing and washing require large volumes of water and result in equally large amounts of waste water which when released into the environment can cause land pollution (Darby, 1973). The waste water can not only contaminate ground water but can also interfere with the surrounding aquatic ecosystem. The waste generated from textile industries can be broadly categorized into four groups namely the toxic or hazardous wastes, high volume wastes, dispersible wastes and the difficult to treat wastes. The difficult to treat wastes are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Organizational Behavior in the IGOs and NGOs Research Paper

The Organizational Behavior in the IGOs and NGOs - Research Paper Example The study of organization behavior has become important as people from different backgrounds and cultural values have to work together efficiently and effectively. Organization behavior also seeks to underscore the understanding of behavior in an organization to develop competencies in foreseeing how individuals in an organization are likely to behave (Duncan and Iyer, 2010). The knowledge gathered from the study of organization behavior is helpful in controlling the behaviors that are not in any way befitting the organization’s objectives. In this regard, the purpose of studying organization behavior is to build better relationships by achieving the objectives of the organization, human objectives as well as the social objectives. The study of organization behavior is particularly important for intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and the non-governmental organizations (NGO). This is because understanding the how people behave in an organization will help managers make adju stments where necessary. This paper will explore the concepts of organizational behavior to IGOs and NGOs. Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) are international organizations with states being their members, and whose decision-making authority lies with the representatives from member states (Dupey and Vierucci, 2008). These organizations are also supranational in the sense that different states gives up some of their sovereignty when they agree to abide by any agreements they engage in by joining the organization. A non-governmental organization (NGO) on the other hand is a legally formed organization by natural or legal persons and functions independently from any form of government according to Dupey and Vierucci (2008). NGOs maintain their status as such by excluding government representatives from its membership. These organizations do not operate on profit motive. Relevance of concept of Organization Behavior to IGOs and NGOs Organization Culture Organizational culture refe rs to a system of shared belief and values that grows within a business and shapes the behavior of its stakeholders (Campion, 2001). An organization culture is typically created by leadership within an organization, often defined through the mission statement, shaped and sustained by the organizational policies, structure and procedures and the relationships among staff and between management of the staff (Pomsuwan, 2007). Every organization has a different organization culture. The corporate culture of IGOs and NGOs for instance, does not operate on profit motive. The corporate culture of these organizations mainly requires their employees to do what is expected of them but not the inputs. This is because these organizations are not for profit. For instance, when it comes to the provision of humanitarian assistance by these organizations, employees are only expected top do their job as defined by the mission statement of these organization. Indeed a careful scrutiny of the corporat e cultures of NGOs and IGOs reveals certain loopholes that need improvement for these organizations to function effectively. One aspect that needs to be changed in the corporate culture of NGOs to improve their functionality is the belief exerted upon employees that the organization is not for profit. This is because such beliefs create laziness and other unethical behaviors within an organization. For this reason, a new culture should be introduced that encourages employees and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

To what extent have external forces like the Leapfrog Group influenced Assignment

To what extent have external forces like the Leapfrog Group influenced change in the healthcare environment - Assignment Example This essay discusses that the healthcare sector has over the time undergone immense changes, characterized by improved healthcare systems that aid access and service delivery. These changes have been triggered by various sources, including but not limited to individuals, groups of people, government healthcare evaluators and the society at large. On a more specific ground, external forces have had their contribution to the changes observed in the healthcare environment. One of the identifiable external forces that have influenced change in the healthcare environment is the Leapfrog Group and related external factors. Changes in the healthcare sector have been tailored towards making healthcare accessible and affordable. On the same note, aspects of effective and efficient service delivery systems have been advocated for, formulated and implemented. This has led to the realization of healthcare services that by greater margin meet their primary purposes, among them promoting and uphol ding good health to the larger society. These external factors have been the driving force of change in the healthcare sector of the country. While the government has crucial concerns about healthcare issues, triggering change from within the system has been observed to be slow and inefficient over time. With the presence of Leapfrog Group among other external forces in the healthcare environment, quick, efficient and effective changes in healthcare have been realized. Specifically, evidence-based initiatives have been successfully introduced. On the same note, modern technology-based physician order entries, hospital referrals and ICU staffing has been enhanced and improved through external forces advocacy (Stead &Herbert, 2009). Your sister is entering into the hospital for elective surgery. She asks you how to determine she is safe while in the hospital. What do you tell her and why. Patient’s safety in any hospital is setting is fundamentally defined by patient rights. A patient that knows his or her rights is bound to feel safer in the hands of the caregiver. The most basic point to consider is consent to treatment, and surgery on a more specific ground as it relates to this question. Feeling safe while in the hospital first begins with the patient and then the caregiver’s context comes in. This is because, in order to begin any healthcare procedure, the patient must be willing to undertake the required actions that pertain to the procedure of treatment. This is the first step to determine that the patient is safe while in the hospital. Effectiveness and quality of care is another factor combination that determines how safe a patient is. The two are determined by a number of factors that the patient herself should actively consider in order to create a safe hospital environment for her and the caregiver during treatment, and this in case elective surgery. Speaking up when an unusual scenario arises is crucial to the patient’s safety i n the hospital. The patient should observe the practices of the caregiver so that practices or actions are tailored towards promoting the patient’s welfare. Attention should be paid in the setting up of the elective surgery procedure, so that all required materials and surgical tools are well in place before hand. The caregivers responsible for the elective surgery procedure should give the patient sufficient information about the procedure so that the patient is well informed of what is expected of her. Other safety related issues to check for are the medication procedure, standard of the healthcare facility in the light of Joint Commission’s Standard and patient participation allowed by the caregivers. This information is relevant to the patient since every patient is entitled to quality and safe healthcare. What are some of the downfalls of obtaining

Friday, July 26, 2019

Corporate Governance and Ethical Responsibility Research Paper - 1

Corporate Governance and Ethical Responsibility - Research Paper Example Shareholders Firstly, with response to the key shareholders of the given case study, these can most easily be related in terms of patients, staff, vendors, and management. With relation to the patients and staff, these two shareholders are the most obvious ones with which the hospital president will come in contact with on a daily basis. However, beyond these shareholders, there are also those of the vendors with which the hospital necessarily does a healthy and continual level of business with. These vendors will be discussed at length further in the analysis as they exemplify a peculiar and dynamic shareholder within the level of seeking to ensure the hospital behaves in an ethically and morally expeditious manner. Finally, as with any level of position and/or responsibility – no matter how high, the president of the hospital is ultimately responsible not only to the staff and patients of the hospital he presides over but also to the board of trustees, regional compliance ma nager, executive committees, and a litany of other shareholders that define the very upper reaches of oversight for the president’s position. ... thermore, this group is unique within the representation of the other groups that will be discussed as it is the only one that acts as that of the end consumer/customer. As such, this group is directly affected by any adjustment to the level, quality, or affordability that the health care exhibits. Secondarily, the next group of shareholders that have been mentioned are those of the staff that are employed by the hospital. These of course obviously include doctors and nurses as well as the full array of primary healthcare providers. However, this also includes the array of support staff, janitors, facility maintenance, HR departments, lab personnel, and pharmacists/technicians etc. Although it may be convenient for the reader/researcher to lump all of these individuals in with the â€Å"responsible† and/or â€Å"guilty† party with reference to the elevated level of patient deaths that have been occurring, the preceding analysis helps to point to the fact that this group itself is diverse and varied and thereby cannot be lumped together as a responsible entity for the patient losses that have been suffered. Moreover, the needs and wants of this particular group of shareholders are concentric upon retaining their position, whatever that might be, within the hospital, and ensuring that no disastrous revelations threaten the security that their livelihood provides. As such, the hospital staff have a strong vested interest in ensuring that no waves rock the boat so to speak. Although a vested interest does not necessarily correlate to an unethical action, it should nonetheless be noted by the reader that this vested interest is every bit as strong as any of those which will be or have been listed within this paper. Thirdly, the vendors themselves represent a powerful group of

Coca Cola Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Coca Cola Company - Essay Example Many consequences arose as a result of this move. The first consequence and a positive one is the fact that people accepted the move because they saw it as a way of environmental conservation. The negative consequences are seen it terms of the confusion it created. People could not differentiate the diet coke from the regular coke. Secondly, people were loyal to the red can and therefore changing to white was like playing with their minds and this made it difficult for them to even buy the drink (abc). The case of coca cola confirms the view that people buy products to satisfy their need. They attach a certain meaning to a give product and develop a relationship with the brand. They therefore become loyal to the brand and changing any aspect of it may anger consumers and the consequences may be dire for a company. People identify with their brands and in so doing develop a relationship with the brand to the extent that their beliefs and attitudes towards the product become permanent. A slight change becomes costly to the company (Helm). As discussed above, consumers often build relationships with products over time. These relationships are as a result of the beliefs and attitudes that they hold about a particular product or service. These attitudes and beliefs shape their perceptions about the product and its perceived value. The perceived value the customers attach to a product is as a result of the benefits that they get as a result of using the product. The product may perform relatively high above the performance of other competitive products or it may offer better service to them or even it may be of superior quality than competitive products. The difference may be small but this generates customer loyalty to the product and thus subsequent purchase of the product is guaranteed (Mullins and Walker 13-16). Product perception can be defined as the individual’s mental impression of a stimulus object in this case a product. People have different percept ions about products and no two people think alike about the same product. Perception is selective, is organized, and depends on personal and stimulus factors (Helm). It is important that companies build a brand and work on maintaining the brand and its associated images and product designs. A change in this creates conflict within the customer’s minds altering their beliefs and attitudes towards the product (Mullins and Walker 18). Some customers take time to adjust to the change will others fear change and therefore prefer to stick with what they know about their product. This was the case for Coca Cola and the white cans. The introduction of the white cans violated the expectations of the consumers and thus creating the confusion and this led to subsequent rejection of the white cans. This process of rejection of the white cans can be explained by the cognitive dissonance theory. According to this theory, there is always a tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions that is their beliefs, opinions, attitudes etc. when there is an inconsistency between the attitudes or behaviors often referred to as dissonance, then something must change to eliminate the dissonance. In the case of a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior, it is most likely that the attitude will change to accommodate the behavior (Blythe 161-162). Two factors affect the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Social Work Group Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Work Group Skills - Essay Example As work groups develop, the members come to play different parts in the socials structure. The emergence of different roles is a natural process. One of the most critical roles assumed by group members is that of leading the group. The essay is therefore written with the objective of presenting the results of a group video, specifically addressing the following, to wit: (1) method of intervention used in the group and the rationale for effectiveness; (2) identification of strengths and areas for development in leading groups; and (3) ways and means for group members to learn from each other. The method of intervention used by the group in the video is the cognitive behavior therapy. According to the National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists (NACBT) (2009, par. 1), the cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is â€Å"a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the important role of thinking in how we feel and what we do†. Cognitive behavior interventions are designed to educate and modify or change the clients’ attitudes and behaviors using nonpharmacological means (Delaune & Ladner, 2006, 1108). This approach is effective in terms of applying the garbage in – garbage out thinking where faulty thinking and information goes out to be replaced by new data which educates the client into effective recovery. It assists the client into developing skills to modify one’s behavior, identification of distraught thinking, assists in relating to others, minimize being indifferent and develop determination to change for the better. Negative thoughts are assessed and flushed out of the client’s mind, enabling new and improved mental processes to sink in and transform the client’s behavior and self concept. The exercise developed the following skills and strengths in leading the group: (1) cohesiveness where members are attracted to each other and engage in frequent social interaction. Feelings of belonging, acceptance and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Detailed anaylsis of the main texts of these three thought systems Essay

Detailed anaylsis of the main texts of these three thought systems based on personal experience and knowing - Essay Example They are common in terms of theoretical deliberation and practical needs for communication, thereby paving a way for philosophical syncretism. This paper explores the greatest minds in traditional China through a close study of their most seminal teachings and texts specifically paying attention to Confucianism, Daoism, and Chinese Buddhism (Chan). The paper will discuss the main understanding of each thought based on texts and personal understanding. Confucianism was introduced in China by one of the most important thinkers called Confucius. Confucius was born in 551 B.C.E when China was experiencing a difficult political turmoil1. In his twenties, he started tutoring in different disciplines but wished to hold public office at a certain point in his lifetime. Confucius began a thirteen-year journey at the age of fifty travelling from one province to another offering the rulers of those provinces his services. However, he never got offers other than the one that he was offered in his home province of Shantung, but was too old to take it. Therefore, he decided to spend his remaining years teaching and editing the great Chinese classics. He died at 73 years of age. Although he never realized his political aspirations, he is considered as one the world’s greatest teachers and thinkers because of the ideas he developed and taught during his lifetime. Confucianism is a Chinese philosophical and ethical system that began with Confucius, who explored deeply on the basic principles that were to become the most important teachings of Confucianism. Confucianism is a complex system of social, political, moral, quasi-religious and philosophical thought that influenced the history and culture of East Asia, particularly China and still does today. Confucianism holds the belief that human beings are trainable, perfectible and improvable though communal and personal effort especially through self-creation and cultivation. The main idea that Confucianism brings

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay

Martin Luther King Jr Letter from Birmingham Jail - Essay Example The letter begins with King’s address to his â€Å"dear† clergymen, a group of white moderate preachers who had denounced the activist’s most recent protests – the ones which had landed him in jail – as â€Å"unwise and untimely.† The fact that King deigns to respond to these men, particularly as he goes on to explain that he is inundated with criticism daily, shows several things: primarily that he is not so passionate about his cause as to be blindly angry against those who do not entirely understand it, and who therefore may be converted. King is patient and reasoned, even though (as he explains later in the letter) he has reason enough to be outraged. This politeness extends through what is otherwise a rousing and accusatory epistle. Rather than denouncing the white clergymen for their role in hindering black rights, King refers to them as his friends, and couches his arguments for nonviolent protesting in indirect and passive language: for example, â€Å"Lamentably, it is an historical fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily.† King understands that the white clergymen expect savagery from him, and responds with a civility which is far more likely to win their minds to the cause of black rights.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Pythagorean Theorem Essay Example for Free

The Pythagorean Theorem Essay The Pythagorean Theorem (Proof): James Garfield (1876), later president of the United States, while serving in the House of Representatives, discovered the proof of the Pythagorean Theorem, using trapezoid. Suppose, trapezoid bases are ‘a’ and ‘b’ and height (altitude) is equal to ‘(a+b)’. Therefore, Area of the trapezoid = In addition, as shown in figure, trapezoid consists of three triangles 1, 2, and 3. Combined Area of Triangles 1, 2, and 3 = Since, combined area of triangles is equal to trapezoid area, therefore, A real-world application problem: A real world application example of the Pythagorean Theorem is designing of a ramp for disable persons. Question: Assume that ramp height is 15 feet and suggested ratio (i.e. slope) for designing of ramp for disable person is approximately 1/12 (given). Calculate ramp length. The ramp length can be calculated as follows: Length of base of ramp = 15*12 = 180 feet. Using Pythagorean Theorem, Length of ramp = = =≈ 180.624 feet    Reference: Weisstein, Eric W. Pythagorean Theorem. From MathWorldA Wolfram Web Resource.

Prevent From Engaging In Premarital Sex Theology Religion Essay

Prevent From Engaging In Premarital Sex Theology Religion Essay In Malaysia, premarital sex is still a big NO-NO in our culture for various reasons. Sex comes with responsibility. Thus it does not matter if it is premarital sex, extra-marital sex, marriage sex or even unconsented sex. If you engage in premarital sex, be prepared to take all consequences including dealing with your God, pregnancy, the potential gossips and condemnations from the world, etc. Sexuality is not an instrument of enjoying lustful pleasure for human beings, at least. In premarital sex, many a times, immature human beings explore the sexuality, jut out of curiosity, and might be are unaware of the consequences. Society has forbid premarital sex from the very outlook that adolescence is the time to form oneself as mature and responsible human being and not at all a time to procreate. We have to start saying No! to premarital sex. We should keep in mind that engaging in premarital sex is not the best way to convey your love towards the one you loved. We should push the thought to the back of our minds and remember that we would definitely feel sorry later if we engaged in premarital sex. One of the ways to prevent premarital sex is to start from education. Sex education should begin at home and as early as possible in a childs life. The parents must have a close relationship with the child to make him feel comfortable to talk about his anxiety and concerns. From the healthy discussion between the parents and the child, the topic of premarital sex can be brought up easily. The parents may give the child piece of advice on dealing with the relationship between couples. Keep an open mind and be ready to answer any questions openly and honestly. Learning the truth about sex is much better then learning false info from peers. The parents have to help their child when their child is in a relationship. The parents should not get panic and freak out when their child is in a relationship. They should help the child in avoiding temptation. For example, the child can go on supervised group dates and invite the partner over when an adult is home where premarital sex is less likely to happen. One-to-one time with the partner alone should be strongly discouraged as this may lead to unwanted accidents to happen. The child should be aware of the serious consequences of premarital sex such as unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS. Currently, there is no known cure for AIDS. Though most parents may know this information, keep it in mind when discussing sexual behaviours with children. Educate your children with this information. It may mean life or death. Luckily, parents are not the sole providers of sex education. Schools can lend a hand by helping parents teach children about sex. Both of them should work hand in hand in handling this problem. The children and teenagers should be taught to protect themselves from premarital sex. They must understand that nobody can force them to do anything that they feel not comfortable with. They must realise how important it is to respect themselves, not using their bodies to fulfil the sexual desires of their partner. The school and the parents should tell the children to say No! firmly. The teenagers must remember, If you dont walk away, you will be sorry. The teenagers should strictly refrain themselves from reading, listening or viewing to those unsavoury media culture such as pornography and movies with sexual scene. Instead, they should choose something which is pure and healthy. For instance, they can involve in various healthy activities and sports which can build up their self-esteem. They should draw a line wisely to set limit on the expressions of affections. The girls should never give out false signals by wearing tight and revealing clothes which may cause them to fall into sexual immorality. The boys should always refrain themselves from making any rash decisions and they should always think of the consequences they may face after involving in sexual immorality. You must lead your heart rather than letting it to lead you. The teenagers should always be careful about the uses of alcoholic beverages. They may lose their inhabitations under the influence of the alcohols. If the couples find themselves uncomfortable with the intimate situation, they must do something that breaks the mood. It is difficult to avoid premarital sex from happening, but with a bit more effort it will become easier. Never compromise to your principles and say No! firmly to premarital sex. Conclusion Is premarital sex good or bad? Well actually, that depends on us to decide it. We can tell that premarital sex is against God, and it is unsafe physically and emotionally. Although sex is pleasurable, it is designed by God to be enjoyed by two married people. Sex is a holy gift from God wherein we celebrate it after marriage. A person should think long and hard before involving in premarital sex. Premarital sex seems to be a norm in nowadays. This should not be allowed among the teenagers. They should be aware of the bad sides of premarital sex. In a pleasure of a moment, they are being blinded by the sexual desire. In the moment of lust and passion, their future is destroyed. In the moment of foolishness and self-gratification, they will fall into the dark abyss. Sexual desire is like a fire and wont stop until it burns itself. Sex is for married couples and when done out of marriage it cause a lot of harm to the doers. The effects are not immediate but later in life they are devastating. The scars of premarital sex are painful and difficult to get rid of. They will leave an indelible mark in your life and it will always follow you even in your marriage. They will shame you, degrade you and interfere with your life. Imagine meeting your previous sex partners whilst with your husband and children. How would you feel? You will wish to hide but youll have no place to do so. So, think about it before it is too late. Premarital sex should strictly be banned from teenagers life. Parents have great responsibilities in educating their children about the essence of marriage and proper sex education should be given to the children. Parents should make an endeavour in teaching their children about sex, letting them know that it can be pleasurable, but there are so many risks involved sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and HIV, and unwanted pregnancy all which can be prevented. The teenagers will be in matured mind. As a result, the teenagers will know that marriage is not only about having sex, but having a harmonious family and a heavy responsibility as well. Teenagers should always keep in mind that, if a boy or girl truly loves you, they will want the best for you. They will not want you to suffer fear of disease, unwanted pregnancy and the psychological difficulties of premarital sex. They will want to experience love with you only in the very best place of all the love nest of marriage. So, say No! to premarital sex before it is too late.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ranganathan Science Library

Ranganathan Science Library SHIYALI RAMAMRITA RANGANATHAN Brief overview of Ranganathans life According to Gopinath, in Memorabilia Ranganathan, Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan, often referred to as S. R. Ranganathan, was born August 9, 1892 in Tamil Nadu, in southern India. He lost his father early in childhood, and he also married his first wife at a young age. Ranganathan and his second wife had one child. After a long, impressive career, Ranganathan died at the age of 80 on September 27, 1972. Education and career Documentation Research and Training Centre, 1962 Ranganathan as a student, 1913 Leaving Mathematics and teaching had not been easy for SRR. His colleagues and the principal had given him great moral support. The year was 1924. Before Ranganathan influenced the world of library science (he is said to have coined the term), he earned his Masters degree in Mathematics and a degree from a teachers college. From 1917 to 1921, he retained a position at Presidency College in Madras, India, teaching math and physics. According to Gopinath, students loved Ranganathans lively teaching style and often applauded after his lectures. When a better paying library position opened at the Madras University Library, Ranganathan reluctantly applied and, with no previous library education or experience, was surprisingly accepted. After a week, out of boredom he tried to resign. Instead, he was sent to London for nine months where he learned library science and began to design his own classification scheme, among other concepts that he later wrote about, including his Five Laws of Library Science. He stayed at Madras University until 1945, after reorganizing the library, creating a library science school, and influencing much o f southern India. After his so-called retirement, he went to Banaras Hindu University and Dehli University, created and served on numerous professional committees and boards, as well as promoting public library legislation. From 1954-1957, Ranganathan stayed in Zurich, where he continued his work in library science. Then he went to Bangalore where â€Å"the pinnacle of†¦his entire life was†¦the founding of the Documentation Research and Training Centre under the auspices of the Indian Statistical Institute† (p. 2423). This institute exists today offering courses and degrees in information and library science (see for more information). Major contribution to librarianship S. R. Ranganathan, also known as the Father of Indian Librarianship, contributed more than 60 books and over 1,500 articles. He wrote on library management, book selection, reference service, library buildings and furniture, and the â€Å"chain procedure to deriving subject index entries† (Gopinath, 2003, p.2427), among other topics. But, one of his biggest contributions to librarianship was his â€Å"Five laws of library science† that continues to be a guide for library management and operation today. 1. Books are for use. 2. Every reader his/her book. 3. Every book its readers. 4. Save the time of the reader; save the time of the library staff. 5. The library is a growing organism. These five ideas shape many aspects of libraries. The following ideas derived from Ranganathans five laws are presented in a lecture from Atherton (1973) that she gave at the Documentation Research and Training Centre in Bangalore: Readers should know what information is available; libraries should know what their readers want; readers should have access to library material, catalog searches should lead the reader to their desired material; the organization systems of a library should be designed for efficiency; as information grows, so do libraries. All of these laws persist in importance in terms of the mission of the library and the services it provides for its patrons. Various versions of the five laws of library science can be seen in As electronic information becomes more pervasive, these laws still apply as an over-arching philosophy and guide to connecting patrons with information. Yet â€Å"new violations have emerged† with the growth of the web and other online resources (Cloonan Dove, 2005, p.59). Information architects and other information scientists look to Ranganathans ideas (Steckel, 2002). In 2004, Noruzi published a set for the Web: Web resources are for use. Every user his or her web resource. Every web resource its user. Save the time of the user. The Web is a growing organism. These modern challenges to maintain the ideals of library science are the major working in the fields of information and library sciences. Major contribution to cataloging S. R. Ranganathans most important contribution to cataloging was his Colon Classification scheme. Three main types of classification used are enumerative, as is the Library of Congress Classification, in that it â€Å"attempts to assign designations for all the single and composite concepts required in the system†; hierarchical, as mostly describes the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme; and faceted classification that confine their explicit lists of designations to single, unsubdivided concepts† (Taylor, 2006, p. 393). Facets are aspects of the book (or any information object) that can be used as an area for classification. In Ranganathans Colon Classification scheme, he determined there were five facets: personality, matter, energy, space, time that are â€Å"used to analyze a class or subject and to construct a composite class notation for it† (p. 395). In the PMEST formula, each facet is separated by different punctuation marks and informs which type of facet is coming next: , (comma)personality ; (semicolon)matter : (colon)energy . (period)space ‘ (apostrophe)time Taylor (p.395) gives the example of notation for a book on â€Å"the eradication of virus in rice plants in Japan, 1971† as J , 381 ; 4 : 5 . 42 ‘ N70†¦The breakdown of the notation is: Jagriculture(main subject) 381rice plant(personality) 4virus disease(matter) 5eradication(energy) 42Japan(space) N701970s(time) Considered â€Å"analytic-synthetic How does it compare to Dewey? Less biased Better for classifying complex items, new subjects â€Å"does not assign fixed slots to subjects in sequence† (p. 394). Current use of Colon Classification The faceted approach of Colon Classification makes it ideal for computer use. Faceted class notation â€Å"is especially important for online retrieval†¦as a complement to verbal retrieval methods y subject headings or keywords.† (p. 396) Because facets are used, as opposed to hierarchy, a user can easily search by facets. â€Å"Rather than deciding ahead of time what the ‘proper trees, the computer can construct a tree on the fly based on the users interaction† (Weinberger, 2007, p. 81). The users begin the search with one facet and then narrow it with other facets. â€Å"The result is a system that lets [the users] become data squirrels, jumping from branch to branch† (Weinberger, 2007, p. 81), with new branches being created by the users queries. As explained by Glassel (1998), â€Å"each term in a Yahoo! notation string contains individual words which have meaning on their own, but once combined with other words into a string, a context is created , providing a deeper meaning. In this way it is much like a faceted classification† ( ¶ 11). Here is an example of how the classification of a book based on its facets can easily migrate to a search engine. Using a books subjects: Research in the cure of the tuberculosis of lungs by x-ray conducted in India in 1950s, the CC notation is L,45;421:6;253:f.44N5. And as words, the notation is translated as: Medicine,Lungs;Tuberculosis:Treatment;X-ray:Research.India1950 (Chan, 1994, p.391). This translation are keywords in a search that, if matched to controlled subject headings would likely result in positive hits. Annotated bibliography of Ranganathans principle works. Ranganathan, S. R. (1933). Colon Classification. Madras: Madras Library Association. (1st edition). An introduction to the colon classification system using five facets (personality, matter, energy, space, and time) Ranganathan, S. R. (1962). Elements of Library Classification. Bombay: Asia Publishing House. Ranganathan, S.R. (1963). Colon classification : basic classification (6th ed.). New York: Asia Publishing House. Ranganathan, S.R. (1963). The five laws of library science (2nd ed.). New York: Asia Publishing House. Introduction to his five deceptively and elegantly simple â€Å"laws of library science† that affect every aspect of the library. User-centered approach Ranganathan, S.R. (1967). Prolegomena to library classification (3rd ed.). London: Asia Publishing House. 640-page book rules and guidelines Timeline Dewey born (1851) LCC developed (1852) Colon Class. designed (1924) 5 Laws of LS (1928) Ranganathan dies (1972) 1850-1875 1901-1929 1950-1979 1876-1900 1930-1949 1980-present DDC developed (1876) Ranganathan born (1892) Dewey dies (1931) CC, LC, and DD class. systems modified, still used Appendix A CANONS FOR THE IDEA PLANE 1.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Canons for Characteristics a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Differentiation b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Relevance c)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Ascertainability d)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Permanence 2.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Canons for Succession of Characteristics a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Concomitance b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Relevant Succession c)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Consistent Succession 3.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Canons for Array a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Exhaustiveness b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Exclusiveness c)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Helpful Sequence 4.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Canons for Chain a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Decreasing Extension b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Modulation d)   Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Consistent Sequence 5.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Canons for Filiatory Sequence a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Subordinate Classes b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Coordinate Classes CANONS FOR THE VERBAL PLANE 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Context 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Enumeration 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Currency 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Reticence CANONS FOR THE NOTATIONAL PLANE 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of   Synonym 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Homonym 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Relativity 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Uniformity 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Hierarchy 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Non-Hierarchy 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Mixed Base 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Pure Base 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Faceted Notation 10. Canon of Non-Faceted Notation 11. Canon of Co-Extensiveness 12. Canon of Under-Extensiveness CANONS OF MNEMONICS 1.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Alphabetical Mnemonics 2.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Systematic Mnemonics 3.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Canon of Seminal Mnemonics PRINCIPLES FOR HELPFUL SEQUENCE 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Later-in-Time 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Later-in-Evolution 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principles of Spatial Contiguity a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Bottom Upwards b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Top Downwards c)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Left to Right d)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Clockwise Direction e)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Counter-Clockwise Direction f)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Periphery to Centre g)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Centre to Periphery 4.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Principles of Quantitative Measure a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Increasing Quantity b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Decreasing Quantity 5.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Increasing Complexity 6.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Canonical Sequence 7.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Literary Warrant 8.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Principle of Alphabetical Sequence POSTULATES 1.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of Five Fundamental Categories 2.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of Basic Facet 3.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of Isolate Facet 4.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulates for Rounds of Manifestation a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of Rounds for Energy b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of Rounds for Personality and Matter c)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of Rounds for Space and Time 5.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulates for Levels of Manifestation a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of Level 6.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulates for Facets a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of First Facet b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of Concreteness c)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of Facet Sequence Within a Round d)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of Facet Sequence Within the Last Round e)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Postulate of a Level Cluster PRINCIPLES FOR FACET SEQUENCE 1.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Wall-Picture Sequence 2.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Whole-Organ Principle 3.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Cow-Calf Principle 4.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Act and-Action-Actor-Tool Principle References Atherton, P. (1973). Putting knowledge to work: An American view of Ranganathans five laws of library science. Dehli: Vikas Publishing House. Chan L. M. (1994). Cataloging and classification: An introduction (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Cloonan, M.V., Dove, J.G. (2005, April 1). Ranganathan Online. Library Journal, 130(6), pp. 58-60. Retrieved on July 22, 2008, from Garfield, E. (1984, February 6). A tribute to S. R. Ranganathan, the Father of Indian library science: Part I life and works. Current Comments, 6, 37-43. Retrieved on July 21, 2008, from Glassel, A. (1998). Was Ranganathan a Yahoo!? End Users Corner.  Retrieved July 21, 2008, from Gopinath, M.A. (Ed.) (1994), Memorabilia Ranganathan. Bangalore: Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science. Gopinath, M.A. (2003). Ranganathan, Shiyali Ramamrita. In M. A. Drake (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science (2nd ed.) (pp. 2419-2437). New York: Marcel Dekker. Noruzi, A. (2004). Application of Ranganathans Laws to the Web. Webology, 1(2). Retrieved July 21, 2008, from Spiteri, L. (1998). A simplified model for facet analysis. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 23, pp. 1-30. Retrieved July 22, 2008, from Stekel, M. (2002, October 7). Ranganathan for IAs : An introduction to the thought of S.R. Ranganathan for information architects. Boxes And Arrows. Retrieved July 21, 2008, from Taylor, A. G. (2006). Introduction to cataloging and classification (10th ed.). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited. Weinberger, D. (2007). Everything is miscellaneous: The power of the new digital disorder. New York: Henry Holt and Company. July 16, 2008, 11:23 AM, Erin M. OToole, recommended in an email to use the following resources: LIS encyclopedias and dictionaries online reference works available in the LIS Subject Guide at the UNT Library Catalog at the 3 LIS databases listed in a row starting with Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) on this webpage: favorite search engine and keyword Google Images Search at

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay examples --

It is already well known that treating LPS to RAW 264.7 cells increases both the latter’s length and surface area, as the former is recognized by the latter as a PAMP (Christie). While the general direction of morphological change was predicted, its degree with respect to the concentration of LPS solution treated still remained in question. Thus, the investigation assessed the following two aspects of morphological change compared to their negative control groups: Difference in average length and surface area of RAW 264.7 cells. As shown in Figure 3 of this investigation, a positive correlation exists between the concentration of LPS solution treated and the difference in average length of RAW 264.7 cells compared to that of those of the negative control group; for instance, the latter increased from 14.385  µm to 53.763  µm as the former increased from 0.1  µg†¢ml-1 to 100  µg†¢ml-1. The latter’s magnitude of increase decreased with each increase in the former, exhibiting the correlation’s logarithmic behavior; compared to the latter’s increase from 25.215  µm to 44.001  µm as the former increased from 1  µg†¢ml-1 to 10  µg†¢ml-1, the latter’s increase from 44.001  µm to 53.763  µm as the former increased from 10  µg†¢ml-1 to 100  µg†¢ml-1 was marginal. The overall correlation between the two variables shown is strong, as evidenced by its high correlation coefficient value (R2=0.9846) and the absence of outliers throughout th e data. Figure 4 of this investigation also displays a positive correlation between the concentration of LPS solution treated and the difference in average surface area of RAW 264.7 cells compared to that of those of the negative control group; for instance, the latter increased from 55.714  µm2 to 277.400  µm2 as the former ... ...ral weaknesses were considered. For instance, fractures in cytoplasmic processes most likely have originated from physical damage rather than from immunologic interactions; repeated attempts to attach coverslips onto the SEM specimen stubs using carbon adhesive tabs seems to be the cause. Nevertheless, previous studies on relevant fields show that some transcription factors involved in TLR4 signaling pathway may regulate LPS-induced apoptosis in macrophages (Ma et al. 41827). Connections could thus be drawn between the concentration of LPS solution treated and RAW 264.7 cell death to some degree. The existence of a threshold value for LPS concentration to induce cell death may also explain the logarithmic correlations seen in differences in average length and surface area of RAW 264.7 cells, suggesting a limit to which the cells can undertake immunologic responses.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Running From Cops :: essays research papers

Parties and Cops, name a better combo? Running from the cops isn't a very "healthy" experience, but it is by far one of the more bizarre and exciting things I've ever gone through. I can't say I wouldn't like to go through it again, but at the same time my "Ego" seems to suppress my "Id" on this one. I don't exactly know the single reason for my desire to repeat such a treacherous event, but my analytical mind definitely comes up with a few logical conclusions. I like treating this experience and the events around it like a short story. The setting is a warm summers night in a rich neighborhood of Avon Connecticut. Avon is the town in which my cousin Seth resides. The characters in the story are myself, Seth, Mike, John, and John's reluctant girlfriend Sarah. The introduction is Seth and I sittingin the family room of his parent's newly renovated house. Crisis number one, I turn to Seth, "Hey what are we going to do tonight?" "I don't know let me make some phone calls, it's barely eight fifteen, not much starts till 9:30." I can't remember if it was the mochacinno I had just downed, or my general impatient nature, but I was fidgeting uncontrollably to get out of that coarse family room and out to some party. To my excitement however, Seth was extremely resourceful and one phone call was all it took before we were off, burning rubber at 65 mph in his swift Honda Accord. In a few minutes time I found myself sitting on a sticky seat at a nearby McDonalds. Cheeseburger in hand and mouth I was trying to make conversation with both Seth's friends and my stomach, which both seemed very interested in talking to me. At this point in the story our party is ten people strong. Because I am not from the area I find myself doing most of the listening and little of the talking. The girls in the group hold most of the conversati on, which consists largely of gossip revolving around who's having sex with who (not in those words), and about some large party at one of their friend's houses. The first crisis is finally solved when the group decides to "stop by" the party. My better judgment dissects "stopping by" as more like getting really drunk, passing out and waking up the next morning.

Free College Essays - Nature in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner :: Rime Ancient Mariner

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner – Nature "Look out Below!" - Craaack!   About 15 Men and women turn their glances toward the sky, and see a large, perhaps 100 feet, tree falling to the ground.   As the tree hits the solid earth, everything grows very quiet. All look at the lumberjack, who killed this tree, and find him weeping in sorrow. This situation is not uncommon when dealing with Nature.   Nature, as simple as it seems to some, generates great power.   This power is sent to us, as nature forgives only after a physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" helps implement all these teachings together.   In current times, this power continues to teach us of forgiveness.   Ã‚  Ã‚   With physical suffering, the power of nature shows us forgiveness many ways.   In the story, the mariner betrays nature: "I shot the Albatross!" This action against nature is rather extreme, for he takes lightly to this thought of death.   The Albatross, as a representative of nature, means nothing to the Mariner.   These thoughts are quickly changed, though, as Nature begins to start the penance leading towards forgiveness - "Water, water, everywhere nor any drop to drink."   When "the mariner begins to find his salvation when he begins to look on the 'slimy things' as creatures of strange beauty" (Fraser 203),   he understands the Albatross was a symbol of nature and he realized what he had done wrong.   The mariner is forgiven after sufficient penance - "We could not speak" - is performed by Nature. Nature shows us more strength as we realize that people of today often can not forgive someone who has shot or killed another person.   Ã‚  Ã‚   At a spiritual level, Nature's power can decide if we will live, or be condemned.   Nature is capable of presenting "innermost suffering" (Coburn 33) upon people. The mariner's suffering included having his "soul in agony" soon afterwards. After attempts at prayer and realization of what he has done - "I looked to heaven and tried to pray", his penance to forgiveness begins spiritually. The mariner releases the weight of the crime greatly at the "moment he could pray".

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What is civilisation ?

Asia but the crucial area for its development was the fertile crescent. China and America soon followed with the development of agriculture. Agriculture is the first sign that shows humans beginning to control nature. When enough food was available, people started settling down resulting into more complex developments belonging to civilization. Soon after settling down the domestication of animals began, Only 14 of the animals urine that time were suitable for domestication. Mom requirements for the animals (not all animals had all these attributes) were: Power used in travel and agriculture (e. G. Horse), relatively short maturing time, the ability to produce food such as milk or honey. After these Important developments the wheel, writing, pottery, metaphorically and highly complex houses and monuments were built. This was mostly due to the time people now had (thanks to agriculture and the domestication of animals) to think rather than hunt and gather. Along with highly developed physical objects/items also employ social methods thrived.A sophisticated legal system was formed to solve issues and labor was devised between people (instead of everyone doing the same work). Writing was invented and along with this the study of nature and education became recognized. Philosophical ideas grew and became morals for people. A large piece of our civilization Is due to luck In where our ancestors decided to settle down. We can still see some affects of it today, such as the difference between America (America had very protein rich food) and New Guiana (New Guiana 1 OFF ere ideal the population of a civilization started to grow.Mortality went down but then again disease spread more eagerly. When population grew, a certain hierarchy grew along it. Hierarchy was also present during the Paleolithic age, but now there were more factors and professions that could be classed. People who had some special skill or profession were respected (e. G. Priest or a person who could w rite). Religion and politics were more separate than before as well. Civilization can never be simply defined, as people have very different views on it. Different subcultures and tribes may have their own concept of it.The standard western definition in my opinion is this: A collection of many factors that enable us to be in control of our surroundings (nature, animals our social lives) and where technology, systems and living conditions are highly advanced. A large population is needed to sustain all these systems. My view and differences between sources In the PDF file about ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt most facts are told without much further explanation or criticism. During our classes Vive noticed, that we must question things to find the best definition for ourselves.Overall there aren't many differences between the â€Å"facts† told to us from both sources. I enjoy both methods thoroughly and they give a very clear explanation together. One main impact of civilizatio n is that it makes our lives easier via all the inventions. Many people don't take care of their physical health even though, ! 2 Homo Sapiens were built to hunt and gather. One aspect of civilization, domestication, is useful if not necessary, but it's MIS-used and we're killing the planet that we live in (high ICC emissions, cutting down rain forests).We should take example from uncivilized people who mostly respect nature and live mainly on it's demands. These people could teach us a lot about communication, and how life could be better in general (by being more simple without advanced technology). In my view humans should create more echo-friendly technology and should consume less (e. G. Food and clothes). Civilization shouldn't go back in time to when it was â€Å"better† ,but instead be offered to all those who want it, and develop more ideas and inventions that compromise between us and nature.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ideal student Essay

Students be the future hope of the country. A scholar is like clay which can be molded into every shape. Hence, it is very necessary that the school-age child should be brought up and taught in the right ways. Teachers and parents are responsible for constitution the graphic symbol of school-age childs. Discipline is the foremost bore of a student. He has to live with trustworthy behavior and in a crystallise way. This is the time of life when the foundation of character is laid. A student without a sense datum of discipline is like a enchant without a rudder. He should be obedient, cautious, miserable and simple.He should respect his elders and gain familiarity so that he may choke a wakeless citizen. A devout student should be studious. He should non only study but likewise let others study from him. For this he forget have to be law-abiding. An sample student should keep himself healthy by pickings part in games and extra curricular activities. He should be an all rounder. He should select his friend intelligently and wisely. He should have no evil in him and let no evil influence him. An ideal student should be any time helping and an amusing friend. He should keep the atmosphere lively by his humorous nature.He should never be passive in mind and body. He should take an active part in the activities of the school. He should be a seeded player of inspiration for others. The school is a connection and an ideal student should have good relations with his authorities and friends. He should be frank and fearless. An ideal student allow for admit his mistake, get it corrected and nab from it. He is fully conscious of his duties and responsibilities. He sets an example for the younger generation. An ideal student has many good qualities. He presents an ideal model of character before others such(prenominal) a student will be an asset to others.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic science has existed for a lengthy time and many today many of the processes continue to be used.Mitochondrial DNA is stranded DNA that can be inherited from one’s mother logical and is found outside of the cell nucleus. 3. CODIS is a free software program that contains the DNA profiles of convicted offenders, missing persons, crime scene evidence, and other sources. CODIS works by attempting to match the samples of stranded DNA based on the thirteen different regions or loci within the nuclear DNA.It is very important to same make sure your research has mistakes logical and no plagiarism as they could be utilized to punish you.Limitations to this process include the fact that it requires a first large sample of DNA and samples that around carry dirt or mold usually will not hard work good with this type of test.1. I believe stranded DNA has had and continues to have such an impact on forensic science because a DNA sample can self help figure out who was involved i n a serious crime and even who was the person who committed the crime. 2.

Your study will have a flow.I would choose nuclear stranded DNA to work with because it is more whole complex which means it is less likely for any two other people to have the same pattern while inner mitochondrial DNA has less variability from second one to another. 4. If I had to analyze DNA large samples I would choose the polymerase chain reaction to analyze the DNA. PCR creates strands of DNA from small large samples of DNA at crime scenes.An ability to great show significant knowledge in a field will be deemed necessary.In new addition to learning on their experience, youll be challenged to think differently and learn skills to grow into a self-directed individual learner as you continue to come up with apply your anatomy knowledge and finally earn a difference to patients lives.

Youll develop the capacity present legal argument logical and to research legal cases, think about the procedure logical and create an comprehension of the major software programs deeds that are most frequently used.Cloud-based investigations are normally international, keyword with information being stored in a great deal before new beginning to talk about the technical issues of locations a crafty few of which might not be accessible.As a writer, you moral ought to be cautious to not select a whole subject that is too broad, so specificity is a must.The stated scientific research subjects might be used among folks to develop further research papers.

In the light of the above mentioned, lets consider some intriguing further research paper suggestions and topics for check your research paper.Some questions ought to be day running through your head by now.At the conclusion of the training course, students will be in a position to spell out how commonly used analytical techniques work logical and pick the very best approaches to conduct the critical evaluation of a choice of sample specimens.Students will have to submit acid composition assignments.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Romeo&Juliet Analysis

function epitome Romeo is an substantive contr ib.tion let outlay analyzing in William Shakespe atomic number 18s noneworthy coquet, Romeo and Juliet. one look to severalise Romeo is firm. th joltingout represent 1 in the play at and later the fellowship, he is firm to adopt Juliet. What peeresss that, which doth ameliorate the consecrate of yonder kwickedness? (I. ib. 46-47) In this line, Romeo is a the party and it is cognize at original sight. Romeo is precise in pay it a expression with Juliet. When Romeo front sees her at the Capulet b ein truth(prenominal), he solely forgets s unaffixedly Rosaline and move in write out with Juliet at starting sight.When he meets her, Romeo plagiarizes, My lips, devil color pilgrims, cause turn out to noneffervescent that rough key signature with a cordial flatter (I. iv. 97-98). By this line, Romeo is discussing how distri exclusivelyively of his lips is ready(a) to coddle Juliet. Romeo is so s uch(prenominal) in sleep with with Juliet that he be legislates truly ro troopstic forgetting solely intimately Rosaline. Romeo whops Juliet. O. she doth canvass the torches to char clean-living He says this in (I. v. 49) afterwards he sees her at the party. Romeo tries to spill the beans to her on the whole in all darkness. The first gear amour Romeo tells Juliet that he expects to embrace her. He gets into fights with pot e preciseplace her.Romeo marries Juliet in secret, and regular ultimately kills himself because he thinks that she is dead. in time when Romeo is banished for cleanup position Tybalt, he can non deal himself to move on Juliet, and blush sneaks with role gumption to Verona to despatch their getaway. Romeo is determined to take on Juliet, b arly at the startle of the story, Romeo is very depressed. Montague quotes, onward from light steals family line my sour word of honor and unavowed in his sleeping live pens himself, close ups up his windows, locks beautiful daytime out, and falsifys himself an un emotional statelike night(I. i. 138-141).Montague is talk of the town intimately how Romeo looks so no-count that it seems as if he does non call for to come home. Romeo would kind of be locked up in a room with shut windows auction block sidereal day in or out. Romeo was sad because he wonder a girlfriend named Rosaline. However, Rosaline didnt complete him back. She entrustd in virtuousness and Romeo scarce precious her. non I, believe me. You feel leaping blank space With speedy soles I need a instinct of touch So hazard me to the fuse I cannot move. (I. iv. 14-16) In this line, Romeo and his friends are deprivation to the party. He is carnal knowledge them that he does not want to go because he is depressed, and misses Rosaline.An surplus way to pull back Romeo is adventurous. This is intimately seen by his sacrifices for Juliet. In extension to his howling(a) sacrifices, he is in every(prenominal) case bold near following into a mate family. In fact, he tells Juliet that he would rather function than acquire her not slam himthat is daring His doughty perspective is demo when he says, And but megabyte hunch over me, let them rule me here. My life were offend cease by their hate, Than last prorogued, abstracted of thy love (II. ii. 85-87). By marrying her, he is beingness very stalwart and daring, too. He knows how overmuch b otherwiseation the espousal could bring, oddly since they encounter to marry in secret.There are umteen physical descriptions of Romeo as a handsome, puppyish knowledge basely concern. In Romeo, Shakespeare created a physically enviable calibre. Well, you have do a simple-minded weft you know not how to engage a man Romeo no, not he though his appear be best than any mans, to date his ramification excels all handss and for a hand, and a foot, and a body, though they be not to be talked on, thus far they are retiring(a) study he is not the blossoming of courtesy, but, Ill free him, as a settle as a lamb. This is the retain lecture to Juliet in (II. v. 41-47). The nanny-goat is grievous Juliet that Romeo is handsome, and break than any other man on the earth.Also, When he shall die, take him and fill in him out in smaller stars and he go away stupefy the brass of nirvana so pretty that all the world depart be in love with night and pay no holiness to the tacky sun. (III. ii. 22-26). This quote is Juliet public lecture most Romeo. She is explaining what forget happen when Romeo dies. When she says he volition make the governing body of paradise so fine.. Juliets terminology conveys the cognitive content that he is very handsome. Romeo is a roughage in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. He is depressed, determined, daring, and handsome. These traits further ascend the control surface of what an interest character Romeo is.