Saturday, August 31, 2019

How to Write a Movie Review

How to Write a Movie Review Writing a movie review is a great way of expressing your opinion of a movie. The purpose of most movie reviews is to help the reader in determining whether they want to watch, rent or buy the movie. The review should give enough details about the movie that the reader can make an informed decision, without giving anyway any essentials such as the plot or any surprises. Below are our guidelines and tips for writing a good movie review. 1. Watch the movie The first step in writing the review is to watch the movie. Watch the movie in a relaxed environment you are familiar with.You do not want to be distracted by an unfamiliar room. Watching the movie a second time will help you to absorb a lot more detail about the movie. Most movie reviewers take notes as they watch the movie. 2. Give your opinion Most movie reviewers will give their opinion of the movie. This is important as the reviewer can express the elements of the movie they enjoyed or  disliked. How ever, as in all good journalism, the reviewer should also give impartial details, and allow the reader to make their own mind over an issue the reader liked or disliked.Opinions should be explained to allow the reader to determine whether they would agree with your opinion . Many regular movie reviewers will  develop a following. If one can find a reviewer who shares a similar taste in films, one can confidently follow the reviewers recommendations. 3. Who is your audience? You need to consider who your likely readers are. Writing a movie review for children requires a different approach than if writing for a movie club. Ensure you report on the factors that matter to your likely audience. 4. Give an outlineGive the outline of the movie, but don't give away essential details such as the end or any surprises. If there is a big surprise you want to entice readers by telling them something special happens, just don't say what. 5. Actors If the movie contains actors, as most do, detai l who is starring in the movie and how well you think they acted. 6. Structure Did the movie follow a regular predictable story line, or did it  get you  thinking like a Quentin Tarantino movie? 7. Cinematography and lighting Give details about how well the movie was shot and directed.Was the lighting good in the moody scenes? 8. Music Did the movie have its own score like Koyaanisqatsi or ET, or did it feature songs from popular artists? 9. Read, read and read Read and check your review thoroughly. It can be embarrassing to find errors in your work after it has been published. This is especially important for reviews that will be published on the Internet, as search engines are always looking for the correct spellings of keywords. wikiHow https://login. yahoo. com/config/mail? &. src=ym&. intl=au

Female infanticide Essay

Imagine a world with no women. There are no wives, no sisters, no daughters, and no mothers. Unfortunately, this world is on the brink of becoming a scary reality for Asian countries such as China and India. Due to attempts to control population and the low value associated with females in these societies historically and culturally, both China and India are now facing a serious gender imbalance. Female infanticide and sex-selective abortion are responsible for this gender imbalance. Due to the high occurrence of foeticides, infanticides, including new born neglect and abandonment, he world is currently deprived of over 100 million women. China and India alone are responsible for 80 million missing females. CHINA: In 1978 China introduced the one-child policy. The Chinese population was growing too fast and already was enormous. The government introduced this policy to slow down the growth of the population of China. This encouraged female infanticide even more. Before the introduction of the one-child policy female infanticide already existed. According to a report, an interview with 40 women over age 50, who claimed to have given birth to 183 sons and 175 daughters, of whom 126 sons but only 53 aughters survived to age 10. By their account, the women had destroyed 78 of their daughters. To Chinese families the son is the most important child. They believe that the son can work, carry the family name and look after elderly parents. Only after the desire of having a son or two has been met, do Chinese families prefer having a girl. INDIA: In the global arena, India is indeed fast developing and is gradually becoming a force to reckon with and this makes us extremely proud. However, there are certain home truths we aren’t aware of or chose to turn a deaf ear to. Female infanticide is one of them. India as a country is steeped in patriarchal values and thereby continues to talk about the importance of raising a male child. The idea of the male child enwraps an image of future security, protection, wealth and prosperity. Only can a male child grow up to look after his family. Only can a male child protect his family. Women are simply viewed as commodities and properties belonging to men. Women are perceived to be a burden on the family. From the time she is born, the only way her physical being/existence is given meaning is by virtue of marriage. In the institution of marriage lies the salvation of the woman. In looking after her husband and bearing children lies her attainment of Nirvana. And with marriage comes the social evil of ‘dowry (giving away lump sums of money and gifts during marriage) which continues to haunt families. A large population of India continues to struggle on a daily basis for its survival. In a situation like this, the additional appendage of giving dowry to the groom’s family increases the misery of an already devastated financial situation of the average Indian family. female infanticide.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Organic Farming Business Proposal

PB B A S E M E S T E R V I ORGANIC FARMING PROPOSAL GROUP 6 Iftekhar Ansari, Mujtaba Yameen, Priyamvada Panicker, Akbote Shiva, Vikas D, Jayadev B BBA †¢ Semester VI †¢ Group VI†¢ Organic Farming B B A S E M E S T E R V I BBA †¢ Semester VI †¢ Group VI†¢ Organic Farming Organic Farming Introduction Organic farming is the form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost and biological pest control.Organic farming uses fertilizers and pesticides but excludes or strictly limits the use of manufactured (synthetic) fertilizers, pesticides (which include herbicides, insecticides and fungicides), plant growth regulators such as hormones, livestock antibiotics, food additives, genetically modi? d organisms, human sewage sludge, and nanomaterials Organic agricultural methods are internationally regulated and legally enforced by many nations, based in large part on the standards set by the International Federation of Organ ic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), an international umbrella organization for organic farming organizations established in 1972. IFOAM de? nes the overarching goal of organic farming as: â€Å"Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people.It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to bene? t the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved†¦ † —International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements Since 1990, the market for organic products has grown from nothing, reaching $55 billion in 2009 according to Organic Monitor (www. organicmonitor. com).This demand has driven a similar increase in organically managed farmland which has grown over the past decade at a compounding rate of 8. 9% per annum. [5] A pproximately 37,000,000 hectares (91,000,000 acres) worldwide are now farmed organically, representing approximately 0. 9 percent of total world farmland (2009) History Organic farming (of many particular kinds) was the original type of agriculture, and has been practiced for thousands of years. Forest gardening, a fully organic food production system which dates from prehistoric times, is thought to be the world's oldest and most resilient agroecosystem.After the industrial revolution had introduced inorganic methods, some of which were not well developed and had serious side effects, an organic movement began in the mid-1920s in Central Europe through the work of Rudolf Steiner, who created biodynamic agriculture, an early version of organic agriculture. Organic agriculture was independently developed in the 1940s England through the work of Albert Howard as a reaction to agriculture's growing reliance on synthetic fertilizers. Arti? ial fertilizers had been created during the 18t h century, initially with superphosphates and then ammonia-based fertilizers mass-produced using the Haber-Bosch process developed during World War I. These early fertilizers were cheap, powerful, and easy to transport in bulk. Similar advances occurred in chemical pesticides in the 1940s, leading to the decade being referred to as the ‘pesticide era'. Although organic farming is prehistoric in the widest sense, Sir Albert Howard is widely considered to be the â€Å"father of organic farming† in the sense that he was a key founder of the post-industrial-revolution organic movement.Further work was done by J. I. Rodale in the United States, Lady Eve Balfour in the United Kingdom, and many others across the world. The ? rst lectures and publications on organic agriculture stem from Rudolf Steiner, however, whose Lectures on Agriculture were published in 1925. The modern organic movement is a revival movement in the sense that it seeks to restore balance that was lost when technology grew rapidly in the 19th and 20th centuries. Modern organic farming has made up only a fraction of total agricultural output from its beginning until today.Increasing environmental awareness in the general population has transformed the originally supply-driven movement to a demand-driven one. Premium prices and some government subsidies attracted farmers. In the developing world, many G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 1 producers farm according to traditional methods which are comparable to organic farming but are not certi? ed. In other cases, farmers in the developing world have converted for economic reasons Methods Soil management Plants need nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micronutrients and symbiotic relationships with fungi and other organisms to ? urish, but getting enough nitrogen, and particularly synchronization so that plants get enough nitrogen at the right time (when plants need it most), is likely the greatest challenge for organic farmers. C rop rotation and green manure (â€Å"cover crops†) help to provide nitrogen through legumes (more precisely, the Fabaceae family) which ? x nitrogen from the atmosphere through symbiosis with rhizobial bacteria. Intercropping, which is sometimes used for insect and disease control, can also increase soil nutrients, but the competition between the legume and the crop can be problematic and wider spacing between crop rows is required.Crop residues can be ploughed back into the soil, and different plants leave different amounts of nitrogen, potentially aiding synchronization. Organic farmers also use animal manure, certain processed fertilizers such as seed meal and various mineral powders such as rock phosphate and greensand, a naturally occurring form of potash which provides potassium. Together these methods help to control erosion. In some cases pH may need to be amended. Natural pH amendments include lime and sulfur, but in the U. S. ome compounds such as iron sulfate, alum inum sulfate, magnesium sulfate, and soluble boron products are allowed in oganic farming. Mixed farms with both livestock and crops can operate as ley farms, whereby the land gathers fertility through growing nitrogen-? xing forage grasses such as white clover or alfalfa and grows cash crops or cereals when fertility is established. Farms without livestock (â€Å"stockless†) may ? nd it more dif? cult to maintain fertility, and may rely more on external inputs such as imported manure as well as grain legumes and green manures, although grain legumes may ? limited nitrogen because they are harvested. Horticultural farms growing fruits and vegetables which operate in protected conditions are often even more reliant upon external inputs. Biological research on soil and soil organisms has proven bene? cial to organic farming. Varieties of bacteria and fungi break down chemicals, plant matter and animal waste into productive soil nutrients. In turn, they produce bene? ts of healt hier yields and more productive soil for future crops. Fields with less or no manure display signi? antly lower yields, due to decreased soil microbe community, providing a healthier, more arable soil system Weed management Organic weed management promotes weed suppression, rather than weed elimination, by enhancing crop competition and phytotoxic effects on weeds. Organic farmers integrate cultural, biological, mechanical, physical and chemical tactics to manage weeds without synthetic herbicides. Organic standards require rotation of annual crops, meaning that a single crop cannot be grown in the same location without a different, intervening crop.Organic crop rotations frequently include weed-suppressive cover crops and crops with dissimilar life cycles to discourage weeds associated with a particular crop. Organic farmers strive to increase soil organic matter content, which can support microorganisms that destroy common weed seeds. Other cultural practices used to enhance crop competitiveness and reduce weed pressure include selection of competitive crop varieties, high-density planting, tight row spacing, and late planting into warm soil to encourage rapid crop germination.Mechanical and physical weed control practices used on organic farms can be broadly grouped as: Tillage – Turning the soil between crops to incorporate crop residues and soil amendments; remove existing weed growth and prepare a seedbed for planting; G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 2 Cultivation – Disturbing the soil after seeding; Mowing and cutting – Removing top growth of weeds; Flame weeding and thermal weeding – Using heat to kill weeds; and Mulching – Blocking weed emergence with organic materials, plastic ? lms, or landscape fabric. Some naturally sourced chemicals are allowed for herbicidal use.These include certain formulations of acetic acid (concentrated vinegar), corn gluten meal, and essential oils. A few selective bioherbicides based on f ungal pathogens have also been developed. At this time, however, organic herbicides and bioherbicides play a minor role in the organic weed control toolbox. Weeds can be controlled by grazing. For example, geese have been used successfully to weed a range of organic crops including cotton, strawberries, tobacco, and corn, reviving the practice of keeping cotton patch geese, common in the southern U.S. before the 1950s. Similarly, some rice farmers introduce ducks and ? sh to wet paddy ? elds to eat both weeds and insects. Controlling other organisms Organisms aside from weeds that cause problems on organic farms include arthropods (e. g. , insects, mites), nematodes, fungi and bacteria. Organic farmers use a wide range of Integrated Pest Management practices to prevent pests and diseases. These include, but are not limited to, crop rotation and nutrient management; sanitation to remove pest habitat; provision of habitat for bene? ial organisms; selection of pest-resistant crops and animals; crop protection using physical barriers, such as row covers; and crop diversi? cation through companion planting or establishment of polycultures. Organic farmers often depend on biological pest control, the use of bene? cial organisms to reduce pest populations. Examples of bene? cial insects include minute pirate bugs, big-eyed bugs, and to a lesser extent ladybugs (which tend to ? y away), all of which eat a wide range of pests. Lacewings are also effective, but tend to ? y away. Praying mantis tend to move more slowly and eat less heavily.Parasitoid wasps tend to be effective for their selected prey, but like all small insects can be less effective outdoors because the wind controls their movement. Predatory mites are effective for controlling other mites. When these practices are insuf? cient to prevent or control pests an organic farmer may apply a pesticide. With some exceptions, naturally occurring pesticides are allowed for use on organic farms, and synthetic subst ances are prohibited. Pesticides with different modes of action should be rotated to minimize development of pesticide resistance.Naturally derived insecticides allowed for use on organic farms use include Bacillus thuringiensis (a bacterial toxin), pyrethrum (a chrysanthemum extract), spinosad (a bacterial metabolite), neem (a tree extract) and rotenone (a legume root extract). These are sometimes called green pesticides because they are generally, but not necessarily, safer and more environmentally friendly than synthetic pesticides. Rotenone and pyrethrum are particularly controversial because they work by attacking the nervous system, like most conventional insecticides.Fewer than 10% of organic farmers use these pesticides regularly; one survey found that only 5. 3% of vegetable growers in California use rotenone while 1. 7% use pyrethrum (Lotter 2003:26). Naturally derived fungicides allowed for use on organic farms include the bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus pumilus; and the fungus Trichoderma harzianum. These are mainly effective for diseases affecting roots. Agricultural Research Service scientists have found that caprylic acid, a naturally occurring fatty acid in milk and coconuts, as well as G r o u p V I!Organic Farming 3 other natural plant extracts have antimicrobial characteristics that can help. Compost tea contains a mix of bene? cial microbes, which may attack or out-compete certain plant pathogens, but variability among formulations and preparation methods may contribute to inconsistent results or even dangerous growth of toxic microbes in compost teas. Some naturally derived pesticides are not allowed for use on organic farms. These include nicotine sulfate, arsenic, and strychnine. Synthetic pesticides allowed for use on organic arms include insecticidal soaps and horticultural oils for insect management; and Bordeaux mixture, copper hydroxide and sodium bicarbonate for managing fungi. Genetic modi? cation A key characteristic of o rganic farming is the rejection of genetically engineered plants and animals. On October 19, 1998, participants at IFOAM's 12th Scienti? c Conference issued the Mar del Plata Declaration, where more than 600 delegates from over 60 countries voted unanimously to exclude the use of genetically modi? ed organisms in food production and agriculture.Although opposition to the use of any transgenic technologies in organic farming is strong, agricultural researchers Luis Herrera-Estrella and Ariel Alvarez-Morales continue to advocate integration of transgenic technologies into organic farming as the optimal means to sustainable agriculture, particularly in the developing world. [32] Similarly, some organic farmers question the rationale behind the ban on the use of genetically engineered seed because they view this kind of biotechnology consistent with organic principles. Although GMOs are excluded from organic farming, there is concern that the pollen from genetically modi? d crops is inc reasingly penetrating organic and heirloom seed stocks, making it dif? cult, if not impossible, to keep these genomes from entering the organic food supply. International trade restrictions limit the availability GMOs to certain countries. The hazards that genetic modi? cation could pose to the environment are hotly contested Economics The economics of organic farming, a sub? eld of agricultural economics, encompasses the entire process and effects of organic farming in terms of human society, including social costs, opportunity costs, unintended consequences, information asymmetries, and economies of scale.Although the scope of economics is broad, agricultural economics tends to focus on maximizing yields and ef? ciency at the farm level. Economics takes an anthropocentric approach to the value of the natural world: biodiversity, for example, is considered bene? cial only to the extent that it is valued by people and increases pro? ts. Some entities such as the European Union subsi dize organic farming, in large part because these countries want to account for the externalities of reduced water use, reduced water contamination, reduced soil erosion, reduced carbon emissions, increased biodiversity, and assorted other bene? s that result from organic farming. Traditional organic farming is labor and knowledge-intensive whereas conventional farming is capital-intensive, requiring more energy and manufactured inputs. Organic farmers in California have cited marketing as their greatest obstacle. G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 4 Geographic producer distribution The markets for organic products are strongest in North America and Europe, which as of 2001 are estimated to have $6 and $8 billion respectively of the $20 billion global market (Lotter 2003:6).As of 2007 Australasia has 39% of the total organic farmland, including Australia's 1,180,000 hectares (2,900,000 acres) but 97 percent of this land is sprawling rangeland (2007:35). US sales are 20x as much. (2003). Europe farms 23 percent of global organic farmland (6. 9 million hectares), followed by Latin America with 19 percent (5. 8 million hectares). Asia has 9. 5 percent while North America has 7. 2 percent. Africa has 3 percent. Besides Australia, the countries with the most organic farmland are Argentina (3. 1 million hectares), China (2. 3 million hectares), and the United States (1. million hectares). Much of Argentina's organic farmland is pasture, like that of Australia (2007). Italy, Spain, Germany, Brazil (the world's largest agricultural exporter), Uruguay, and the UK follow the United States in the amount of organic land (2007). Growth Organic farmland by world region (2000-2008) As of 2001, the estimated market value of certi? ed organic products was estimated to be $20 billion. By 2002 this was $23 billion and by 2007 more than $46 billion. In recent years both Europe (2007: 7. 8 million hectares, European Union: 7. 2 million hectares) and North America (2007: 2. million hec tares) have experienced strong growth in organic farmland. In the EU it grew by 21% in the period 2005 to 2008. However, this growth has occurred under different conditions. While the European Union has shifted agricultural subsidies to organic farmers due to perceived environmental bene? ts, the United States has not, continuing to subsidize some but not all traditional commercial crops, such as corn and sugar. As a result of this policy difference, as of 2008 4. 1% G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 5 percent of European Union farmland was organically managed compared to the 0. 6 percent in the U. S.IFOAM's most recent edition of The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends 2009 lists the countries which had the most hectares in 2007. The country with the most organic land is Australia with more than 12 million hectares, followed by Argentina, Brazil and the US. In total 32. 2 million hectares were under organic management in 2007. For 1999 11 million hectares of o rganically managed land are reported. As organic farming becomes a major commercial force in agriculture, it is likely to gain increasing impact on national agricultural policies and confront some of the scaling challenges faced by conventional agriculture.Productivity and pro? tability Various studies ? nd that versus conventional agriculture, organic crops yielded 91%, or 95-100%, along with 50% lower expenditure on fertilizer and energy, and 97% less pesticides, or 100% for corn and soybean, consuming less energy and zero pesticides. The results were attributed to lower yields in average and good years but higher yields during drought years. A 2007 study compiling research from 293 different comparisons into a single study to assess the overall ef? ciency of the two agricultural systems has concluded that †¦ rganic methods could produce enough food on a global per capita basis to sustain the current human population, and potentially an even larger population, without increas ing the agricultural land base. (from the abstract) Converted organic farms have lower pre-harvest yields than their conventional counterparts in developed countries (92%) but higher than their low-intensity counterparts in developing countries (132%). This is due to relatively lower adoption of fertilizers and pesticides in the developing world compared to the intensive farming of the developed world. G r o u p V I! Organic Farming Organic farms withstand severe weather conditions better than conventional farms, sometimes yielding 70-90% more than conventional farms during droughts. Organic farms are more pro? table in the drier states of the United States, likely due to their superior drought performance. Organic farms survive hurricane damage much better, retaining 20 to 40% more topsoil and smaller economic losses at highly signi? cant levels than their neighbors. Contrary to widespread belief, organic farming can build up soil organic matter better than conventional no-till far ming, which suggests long-term yield bene? s from organic farming. [56] An 18-year study of organic methods on nutrientdepleted soil, concluded that conventional methods were superior for soil fertility and yield in a cold-temperate climate, arguing that much of the bene? ts from organic farming are derived from imported materials which could not be regarded as â€Å"self-sustaining†. Pro? tability The decreased cost of synthetic fertilizer and pesticide inputs, along with the higher prices that consumers pay for organic produce, contribute to increased pro? ts. Organic farms have been consistently found to be as or more pro? table than conventional farms.Without the price premium, pro? tability is mixed. Organic production was more pro? table in Wisconsin, given price premiums. Sustainability (African case) In 2008 the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) stated that â€Å"organic agriculture can b e more conducive to food security in Africa than most conventional production systems, and that it is more likely to be sustainable in the long-term†[60] and that â€Å"yields had more than doubled where organic, or near-organic practices had been used† and that soil fertility and drought resistance improved.Employment impact Organic methods often require more labor than traditional farming, therefore it provides rural jobs. G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 7 Sales and marketing Most sales are concentrated in developed nations. These products are what economists call credence goods in that they rely on uncertain certi? cation. Interest in organic products dropped between 2006 and 2008, and 42% of Americans polled don't trust organic produce. 69% of Americans claim to occasionally buy organic products, down from 73% in 2005.One theory was that consumers were substituting â€Å"local† produce for â€Å"organic† produce. Distributors In the United States, 75% o f organic farms are smaller than 2. 5 hectares. In California 2% of the farms account for over half of sales. (Lotter 2003) Small farms join together in cooperatives such as Organic Valley, Inc. to market their goods more effectively. Most small cooperative distributors have merged or were acquired by large multinationals such as General Mills, Heinz, ConAgra, Kellogg, and others. In 1982 there were 28 consumer cooperative distributors, but as of 2007 only 3 remained.This consolidation has raised concerns among consumers and journalists of potential fraud and degradation in standards. Most sell their organic products through subsidiaries, under other labels. Organic foods also can be a niche in developing nations. It would provide more money and a better opportunity to compete internationally with the huge distributors. Organic prices are much more stable than conventional foods, and the small farms can still compete and have similar prices with the much larger farms that usually ta ke all of the pro? ts. Farmers' markets Price premiums are important for the pro? ability of small organic farmers. Farmers selling directly to consumers at farmers' markets have continued to achieve these higher returns. In the United States the number of farmers' markets tripled from 1,755 in 1994 to 5,274 in 2009 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 8 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 9 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 10 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 11 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 12 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 13 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 14 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 15 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 16 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 17SWOT ANALYSIS OF INDIAN ORGANIC AGRICULTURE (DOMESTIC AND EXPORT MARKET) Organic farming is one such part of agriculture sector which is unexploited yet. The projects strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are discussed below: STRENGTHS: Export of organic produce from India is on the rise With organic farming, comes greater nutrit ional value and better taste There is increased awareness for healthy food in the present generation The realization of the harmful effects of pesticides and presence of their residues is surfacing The international and national certi? ation bodies in the country that are making it easier for the farmers to certify their produce as â€Å"organic† With increased demand, Central and State Governments are providing more land at cheaper rates for Organic Agriculture The Government is also providing higher subsidies Tax holidays are given a higher priority and are being given to the farmers who produce organics Organic produce being a premium product, pro? ratios will be towards the higher end due to the higher prices Sustainability over the long term There is an enhanced soil structure and water in? ltration Reduces non-renewable energy use by decreasing agrochemical needs (these require high quantities of fossil fuel to be produced by reducing carbon levels in the soil) OA promo tes biodiversity at all levels of production Duration of the edibility is longer G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 18 Drought resistive in nature A major strength is that the only technology OA needs is more of the SUNWEAKNESSES: Lack of awareness is the major downside of Organic Agriculture Not only among the customers but also among the farmers Most farmers have small holdings Quality consciousness is low amongst them Lack of marketing skills (mainly due to the disjoint between the agricultural sector and its domestic market not to mention the international market) The market for organics is not consumer-based, but supply oriented There is lower productivity due to the mono-cultured farming Fields may become bland due to the lack or inorganic additives Industrialized agriculture (if a conversion to organic agriculture takes place) exploits the land to an extent where the soil loses its fertility Sowing of seeds is time consuming since direct drilling of seeds (as done in the traditio nal form of agriculture) increases risk of soil being lost to wind and erosion There is no usage of genetically modi? ed seeds Another major drawback is the time required for the interaction and the observation between the farmer and his crop A requirement for OA is using skilled labor, which is hard to ? nd Finding the speci? c seeds are not only time consuming, but also more expensive Being more supply oriented, it requires a larger workforce to look after it G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 19 OPPORTUNITIES: With the ever growing society and economy in the country and in the world, the growth potential for Organic Agriculture is enormous As of 2001, the estimated market value of certi? ed organic products was estimated to be $20 billion.By 2002 this was $23 billion and by 2007 more than $46 billion and still showing a positive trend Along with the market value, the total farmland assigned for OA is also increasing massively The government is also starting to believe in this form of farming, hence giving its consent for extensive practice throughout the country The Indian Competence Centre of Organic Agriculture (ICCOA) is a promising initiative towards OA and serves as a platform for various activities related to its market development With the continuous growth of the sector, it will be providing a vast number of job opportunities OA helps in making people less reliant on generically modi? ed food and moves them towards healthier living The market for organic fertilizers and other organic materials is also growing and making it easier for the farmers to get hold of all the supplies they need G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 20 THREATS: Dishonesty among the suppliers of the raw materials required, i. e products offered with declarations such as â€Å"without pesticides†, â€Å"organic† etc.Unavailability of actual organic materials such as seeds, fertilizers and more High costs of being a premium product may prevent success in the market Hesitatio n for purchase by customers due to lack of awareness Land may be to contaminated or may not be convertible for organic agriculture Training unskilled labor may be tougher than expected Although governments are cooperating for organic farming, some state governments still believe this method is unproductive and may not give the required permissions and grants Lives of organic farmers are being made dif? cult by large food conglomerates as they want the consumers to focus only on their products Unpredictable Climatic Factors G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 21 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 22 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 23 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 24 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 25 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 26 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 27 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 28 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 29 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 30 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 31G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 32 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 33 G r o u p V I! Organic Farm ing 34 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 35 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 36 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 37 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 38 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 39 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 40 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 41 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 42 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 43 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 44 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 45 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 46 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 47 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 48 G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 49 APPENDIX Excerpts from our interview with Mr.Samad Patel, Assistant Director, The Department of Agriculture, Gulbarga, Karnataka M: How is the Government helping in Organic Farming? S: Organic missions are being formed by the governement to promote organic farming amongst the farming community. 1: Organic Village: It is one of the schemes which promotes organic farming in a hundred acre area in a village per block on a pilot basis, thereby other farmers can learn how to do or ganic farming. 2: Giving subsidy to bio-degradable, vermi-compost units through Agricultural & Horticultural Department, Industry & Commerce. 3: Establishing organic farming research centers at agricultural universities.M: What are the fertilizers allowed in organic farming? S: 1: Farm Yard Manure 2: City Compost 3: Vermi-Compost 4: Enriched Compost 5: Green Manure M: What is the method of growing the plants in organic farming? S: 1: Sowing the seed with recommended dose of naturally occurring organic fertilizer G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 50 2: Irrigation of the sowed area 3: Seed gets germinated in 1-2 weeks 4: Process of Weeding 5: Harvesting, once the plant is ready 6: Ploughing the ? eld for the next crop M: What are the risks involved with Organic Farming? S: 1: In case of organic farms, there is low yield in the ? rst few years. 2: Pest and Disease management is dif? ult 3: Our soils are addicted to fertilizers and take time to revert back to organic standards 4: It is a v ery laborious process 5: Organic manure are to be produced by the farms, which is also a lengthy and expensive process 6: Seeds are not easily available 7: High prices may lead to low sales M: Is organic food more nutritious than conventional food? S: Yes, organic food has more nutritional value and also has better taste. Reason being that it is produced in its natural method. M: What does â€Å"certi? ed organic† mean? What is the certi? cation process? S: In western countries as well as in India, Organic produce is purchased on basis of the certi? cation by various agencies such as the ICCOA. After completion of the initial three years of production, the farmer must enroll for the certi? cation. The agency then monitors G r o u p V I!Organic Farming 51 the day-to-day cultivation activities and soil testing, the said agency will certify the farm as â€Å"organic†. M: Why does Organic cost more? S: It costs more, because the cost of cultivation is higher although the y ield obtained is low. The demand is higher when compared to the supply. Also, it is pesticide and fertilizer free and has a higher nutritional value, steering it towards being a healthier alternative. M: Is there a national standard for Organic Farming? S: No M: How do farmers fertilize crops and control pests, diseases and weeds? S: Organic farmers fertilize crops by using farmyard manure, vermi-compost, green manure etc. : They manage pests by manual collection of pests 2: Botanical extracts 3: Neem Oil 4: Neem Cake 5: By following integrated pest management methods Diseases are managed by: 1: Manual Roughing 2: By using Botanical extracts G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 52 3: Some plants have naturally occurring fungicidal properties Weeds are managed by: 1: Summer Ploughing 2: Intercultivation 3: Hand Weeding M: What subsidies does the government provide for organic farmers? S: 1: Vermi-compost per farmer – Rs. 6000 – Rs. 30000 (depending on the size of the farm) 2: Biogas Unit – Rs. 60000 Subsidy 3: City Compost: Distributed at 50% subsidy 4: Green Compost: Sold at 50% subsidy 5: Biodigester: Subsidy of Rs. 0000 (Biodigesters convert organic wastes into a nutrient rich liquid fertilizer and biogas, a renewable source of electrical and heat energy) Irrigation Subsidy Operations & Maintenance subsidy + 6 per cent interest on cumulative Irrigation investments Operations & Maintenance subsidy + 1 per cent interest on cumulative irrigation investments Power Subsidy G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 53 Difference between average cost of production per unit and the average revenue realized per unit multiplied by agricultural power consumption as estimated by APTRANSCO Difference between the cost to serve agriculture and average revenue realisation per unit multiplied by agricultural power consumption as estimated by APTRANSCODifference between the cost to serve agriculture and average revenue realised per unit multiplied by power consumption as estimated by AP Farmers Federation G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 54 ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thank our Entrepreneurship Development faculty, Mrs. Radhika, for giving us the opportunity to create a project report such as this, which was a widely informative and knowledge building exercise. We also worked in tandem with Mr. Samad Patel, Assistant Director of The Department of Agriculture, Gulbarga, Karnataka, throughout our research. He guided us through our dif? culties and gave us essential information that we needed to complete our analysis. G r o u p V I! Organic Farming 55

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Task of a group leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Task of a group leader - Essay Example in accomplishing its objectives by correctly diagnosing how well the group is functioning as a problem solving or decision making entity and to as well intervening to alter the groups’ operating behaviour. Ideal leadership implies a forward motion of an organisation in the positive direction. The critical capabilities of an ideal leader include; having a vision, values that constitute his or her philosophy, wisdom and courage that compose the leader’s personal composition and as well should have the trust and voice that enable them to influence others. Some vital leadership conditions that are necessary for the ideal leadership capacities include a place where the leader can hold sway, a period that calls for their leadership, a position that conveys leadership authority and a people who are ready for leadership. It is important to note that failure in leadership is related to unfavourable conditions or inadequate capital. Ideal leadership implies a forward motion of an organisation in the positive direction. Confrontation in the course of operation is at times necessary and forms an appropriate administrative technique to ensure the safe and efficient operation of any department or group. Administrative confrontation refers to the encounter where the group leader encourages the members to acknowledge something that is painful or objectionable and if and when used appropriately, it is a powerful tool in facilitating the resolution of problematic behaviours. Confrontation must be mastered over time through careful attention to person-centred techniques and strategies. For example, the need for direct engagement and correction must be balanced with the support and consideration for how it will affect feelings and what it will do to the relationship between the leader and the member. The most effective confrontation strategy is the direct, assertive, angry confrontation where if something gets one angry, they first have to identify the exact cause of the anger,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Social Inequality in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social Inequality in Australia - Essay Example In this process, it has also allowed the policy of social inequality and discrimination between the White and non White classes of people in terms of their immigration in to the soil of Australia. The White people were allowed freely by following the liberal practices of immigration rules where as the strict restrictions were imposed for the non European people under the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 which is nothing but encouraging the policy of social inequality. In other words, the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 has initiated a trend in which the differential attitude of Australian administration was followed towards the treatment of different races of the people (Immigration Restriction Act, 1901). Staring with the nature of the tests put to the immigrants, several other restrictions were imposed to non white people for discouraging them to stay in Australia. Even in case of labor immigration, the white labor were allowed to enter the soil of Australia where as other c lasses of labor were restricted under the clauses of Immigration Restriction Act of 1901. This discriminatory and social inequality attitude of Australian authorities was further continued in different arena for which the seeds were sown in the form of Immigration Restriction Act of 1901. ... ralia Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 was passed by the House of Parliament of Australia for the main objective of limiting the immigration rate of non Europeans to Australia. The policy of social inequality and White Australia in restricting the immigration of alien persons in to the land of Australia is very well reflected in the form of Immigration Restriction Act of 1901. It has decided the fate of the people who were willing to enter Australia for various types of works since long and it tilted towards selective concessions to white people and it is even influencing the public policy related to immigration at present also. Hence, it is very significant instrument in the history of Australia which may be analyzed form time to time for making betterment in the rules and restrictions related to immigration to Australia. The basic origin of introducing this Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 was in the form of opportunism and can be traced to the history of formation of Austral ia. When Australia was formed by union of six colonies, they wanted to build the nation protecting from foreign forces and the Common wealth of Australia was proclaimed in 1901. As the armed forces were controlled by the British, the Australians wanted to have control over the people who would migrate from other regions. They feared that people from China and Japan may dominate in some economic spheres if they are allowed to settle in Australia which would affect the prospects of local people. At the same time, the trade unions in Australia also felt that if people form Asian origin are allowed to immigrate in to Australia, the labor wages may go down which would negatively influence the earnings of the labor of Australian origin. At the same time, the population of Australia in 1901

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cell phone use should be banned while driving Essay

Cell phone use should be banned while driving - Essay Example 80 percent of crashes are related to driver inattention. There are certain activities that may be more dangerous than talking on a cell phone. However, cell phone use occurs more frequently and for longer durations than other, riskier behaviours. Thus, the #1 source of driver inattention is cell phones† (Cell Phone Use While Driving Fact Sheet, 2009) The above statistics clearly indicate the association of cell phones in road accidents and also the degree of damages it can cause to the public and the society. Cell phone usages while driving should be prohibited legally in order to prevent such huge losses of lives and property and this paper argues in favor of banning cell phone usages while driving. â€Å"Drivers who use cell phones are four times more likely to be in a crash while using a cell phone† (Cell Phone Use While Driving Fact Sheet, 2009) Driving is an art which requires the co-ordination of hands, legs and eyes together. Moreover the driver’s mind should be focused on what is happening in front and at the back while driving in order to take prompt decisions. Lot of decision making is required while driving. Any faulty decision can create accidents. It is impossible for a driver to take proper driving decisions while using the cell phones. The content of the communication might be good or bad; in both the cases it can result in the mood changes of the driver and thereby his focus on driving will be decreased and accident probability can be increased. Even while taking out the cell phones or operating it; the driver’s attention can be distracted. One moment is enough for an accident to happen. We are living in a stressful world and our mind always agitated with some thoughts. The information we get from other side while using cell phones may not be always good. For example, a business executive can get some fiery words from his superior while driving, because of cell phones.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Real World Radical Formulas Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Real World Radical Formulas - Assignment Example The angle of deviation is . It is supposed to be small (see front view on the figure). We put that the origin of coordinate system is in the center of the boat and axis is along the water line. The submerged volume changes on the value for coordinate ( is infinitesimal, is the length of the boat). The corresponding additional momentum value that appears due to the Archimedes force is ( is the water density and is the acceleration of gravity). The full additional momentum value will be ( is the beam of the boat). According to the Newton’s second law for cyclic motion ( is the moment of inertia). Therefore we have equation for the natural vibrations. The solution is ( is the deviation angle at the initial time moment and is the natural vibration frequency). It is easy to see that. If the natural vibration frequency exceeds some critical value then the boat is unstable. It means that value also must not exceed some limit. To simplify this condition, one can suppose that the boat has some standard form and the centre of the boat is heavier than the edges. The assumptions give us ( is the mass of the boat and is the some characteristic length). It is well known that, because of the Archimedes law the mass of the boat is equivalent to the displacement of the boat. Finally, we conclude that must not exceed some limit. The cube root of this value multiplied by 4 is called the capsize screening value. The critical value corresponds to feet /pound1/3. Notice, that according to the consideration above, the capsize screening value proportional to the square of the natural frequency. Problem 103 b. Multiplying the formula by radical of displacement and dividing into for capsize screening value we obtain . The cube of the later formula gives us. The formula defines the displacement

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The rewards of living a solitary life by May sarton Research Paper

The rewards of living a solitary life by May sarton - Research Paper Example She notes that the man shockingly discovered that he could enjoy himself alone just as much as he would have been in the company of people (Pike and Acosta). In retrospect, Sarton wonders what the man had been afraid of all along. Nevertheless, having found himself alone, Sarton observes that the man is on the brink of adventure to explore himself and to launch himself into his own inner space. She likens the experience to that of an astronaut in outer space. She posits that the new experience will bring to him freshness that would seem original in the beginning. Moreover, she interjects that anyone able to see for himself using his naked eye becomes a genius for a moment or two. On the other hand, when our perception is influenced by other people’s ideas, the original impact becomes diffused or gets lost (Pike and Acosta). One may ask, are we alone or do we exist as a single cell in a population of a billion other cells in the universe? We may argue that it all depends on what life one chooses to live and what benefits one the most. May Sarton opines that solitude is the salt that flavors personhood. Arguably, solitude helps one discover himself or herself away from the interferences accrued from interacting with other people. She retorts that being alone does not necessarily mean that one is lonely. Furthermore, people do feel lonely even in the company of others. She observes that people feel lonely in the company of their lovers and others because people suffer from their differences in taste , mood and temperament. Human interaction demands that people soften their perception and withdraw at the fear of hurt. However, being alone enables one to explore oneself wholly at whatever place, whichever time (Pike and Acosta). Quite a fascinating luxury, if I may add! May Sarton provides a description of her life and apparently her schedule throughout the day. It

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Introduction to Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Introduction to Research - Essay Example The study will analyze in which manner the hotel is meeting customers’ expectations and which facilities are more important from the customers’ point of view from improvement perspective (Dolnicar & Otter, 2003). For a hotel to survive in a competitive environment, it is a must that the hotel meets customers’ needs and wants and their probable expectations. In a hotel quality means that the facilities and services are according to customer’s satisfaction. The more the visitors are satisfied with the services, the greater is the chance of hotel’s promotion in a competitive environment (Naseem, Ejaz, & Malik, 2011). According to the study conducted by Sriyam (2010), there are several types of facilities that are provided by hotels to their customers. First thing to include is the type of room like deluxe, Superior or executive classroom, Family suite or Grand suite respectively. Among dining services, a hotel should include Italian cappuccino, The M-C afe experience of Thai or Chinese food, continental food, and additional services of fruits and beverages that is a value adding option. A must-include service in a hotel is recreational activities like swimming pool, gymnasium, spa, or a sports ground for outdoor facilitation (Sriyam, 2010). Purpose of the Study Griffith University Hotel is a regional hotel, which offers services for two types of clients, business travelers and pleasure travelers. The purpose of this study is to access and evaluate the current structure of the facilities offered by the hotel. The evaluation is to be done based on the importance and performance attributes. Those facilities that are important in customers’ point of opinion and those that meet customers’ expectations are to be analyzed. This will provide a sketch of an idea which facilities are more important and which need improvement in the Griffith University Hotel service. The Research Method The method of research was based on quant itative analysis in which the hired manager designed a questionnaire following 17 facilities of the hotel. The 17 features include the express check in, checkout, valet parking, recreational activities, family restaurant or room service etc. There were two categories of respondents from whom the interviews got conducted: the categories of business travelers and pleasure travelers respectively. Summary of Findings In total 264 travelers were selected as respondents for the analysis, out of which 118 were pleasure traveler respondents and 146 were business traveler respondents. This was to evaluate and compare their responses on 18 hotel facilities in order to get an idea which facility is more important and which needs further improvement. The criterion to judge facilities was based on two things, importance and performance that were set to compare important facilities with achieved performance facilities. This was all to bring improvements in facility structure of Griffith Universit y Hotel, which needs to be improved in terms of operation and more importantly with respect to clients’ perspective. Research Questions Out of 18 facilities, which facilities are more significant from clients’

Friday, August 23, 2019

Technology's Role in close friendship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Technology's Role in close friendship - Essay Example You would find his hobbies drastically different. He would rather spend his time in front of his computer or laptop using some social networking website like facebook or twitter or playing games virtually on his X-box or Wii or massively texting/chatting with â€Å"friends† through his latest texting device, iPhone, iPad or some similar gadget. (Rath, 2006). What is the most noticeable difference between a teenager of 10 years ago and a teenager of today? Anybody would notice the infiltration of technology in their everyday lives. However, what we fail to notice is its actual impact, which is the continuous lessening of personal contact. (Anderson & Taylor, 2010). As the number of â€Å"friends† on facebook increases, the number of â€Å"real† friends diminishes. This is why the average number of close friends an American has is decreasing drastically. (Henslin, 2010). And this is not the case just in America. As the world becomes more and more obsessed with acqu iring the latest technology, people everywhere in the world are gradually losing the â€Å"human† touch and are very happily adopting a robotic lifestyle. (Chall, 2004). What we fail to understand here is that human beings are social animals. In order to function properly psychologically, they need continuous interpersonal communication to feel alive. (Macionis & Plummer, 2008).

M1A3 - Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

M1A3 - Conflict - Essay Example Struggle for control and dominance within a social setting such as corporate environment will lead to a stalemate in the interpersonal relationships among the individuals. Some behaviors that are associated with power struggles include feelings of deception, manipulation and defeat (Deutsch, Coleman & Marcus, 2006). However, positive power behaviors such as persuasion will minimize the interpersonal conflicts within a group. Another element of interpersonal conflicts is the differences in perceptual and cognitive factors. Human beings tend to attain distinctiveness and social identity within the social group thus individual who fail to conform to group values are discriminated against in social interactions (Rahim, 2011). High social dominance orientation will promote the group-based hierarchies in favor of the high powerful individuals in the group (Deutsch, Coleman & Marcus, 2006). Social group factors such as the level of cohesiveness, group identity, conformity pressure and decis ion-making methods will influence the effectiveness of conflict resolution among the group members. All individuals within the group strive to attain a higher social esteem and group identity. However, group dynamics such as intensity hostility between the members, fear, deception and mistrust will escalate the level of conflict within the group (Deutsch, Coleman & Marcus, 2006). PSDM model of interpersonal conflict resolution The PSDM model of decision-making and problem solving is integral to conflict resolution within a group. According to the model, conflict resolution entails four phases that include diagnosis phase, identification of alternative solutions, evaluation and selection of acceptable alternative and finally decision making and implementation phase. The diagnosis phase involves identification of the source of the conflict. The parties must cooperate in identifying the conflict sources (Deutsch, Coleman & Marcus, 2006). In addition, the parties must avoid any destruct ive behaviors such as blaming others during this phase. The second stage is identification of alternative solutions through brainstorming. A checklist is used in brainstorming sessions in order to stimulate creativity. The third phase is evaluation and selection of an acceptable solution (Rahim, 2011). This phase entails consideration the various alternatives and determining the most effective in resolving the conflict (Deutsch, Coleman & Marcus, 2006). The parties can utilize a reference frame such as ability to attain social cohesion, ability to attain group objectives and fairness to all parties. The last phase is decision-making and implementation of the solution through changing the values, attitudes and communication channels within the group. Theory of cooperation and competition The theory was advanced by Morton Deutsch and later elaborated by David W. Johnson. The theory emphasizes on the interdependence of the goals of the parties to the conflict. The goals of the parties must be positively correlated in order to foster cooperative conflict resolution (Rahim, 2011). Goal interdependence is then combined with psychological processes such as attitudes, substitutability and inducibility (Deutsch, Coleman & Marcus, 2006). The theory aims at controlling destructive competition within the group and fostering cooperation through enhancing group cohesion and problem cognition. The

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Periodic Properties Essay Example for Free

Periodic Properties Essay The halogens F, Cl, Br and I (At has not been included because of its scarcity and nuclear instability) are very reactive non-metals that occur in the penultimate group of the periodic table, hence they all require just one electron to complete their valence shell. All of the elements exists as diatomic molecules (F2, Cl2, Br2, I2) in which the atoms are joined by single covalent bonds. Going down a group of the periodic table, for successive elements there are more energy levels filled with electrons, so the outer electors are in higher energy levels and farther from the nucleus. Fluorine and chlorine are gases, bromine a liquid and iodine a solid that forms a purple vapour on heating. The halogens are all quite electronegative elements. They require just one electron to complete their valence shell, hence they readily gain electrons to form the singly charged halide ions (Fà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½,Clà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½,Brà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½,Ià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½). The ease with which they gain electrons gained is further from the nucleus and hence less strongly attracted. This means that, in contrast to the alkali metals, the reactivity of the halogens decreases going down the group. Method 1) Test the solubility of Iodine: 1. A very small amount of iodine was put into water, cyclohexane and KI(aq) respectively 2. The color changes of the solutions and the solubility in each solvent were recorded 2) Test iodine reacts with starch: 1. Three drops of I2-KI solution were put into a test tube 2. A few drops of starch solution were added after that 3. The color of solution was recorded 3) Test the acid-base properties: 1. A few drops of chlorine water were put in a test surface, and it was tested with universal indicator paper 2. This was repeated first using water and then using iodine solution instead of the chlorine water 3. The color changes were recorded 4) Displacements between halogen elements: 1. 2cm depth of each aqueous solution: sodium chloride, potassium bromide and potassium iodide were put into 3 respective test tubes and labeled 2. An equal volume of chlorine water was added into each test tube and the results were recorded 3. A little hexane was added to form a separate upper layer of a non-polar solvent 4. The mixtures were shook and the changes were recorded 5. Step 1, 2, 3 and 4 were repeated first using water and then iodine solution instead of chlorine water 5) Tests for halide ions [Halide ions (Cl-, Br- and I-) with silver ions]: 1. About 1cm depth of aqueous sodium chloride was put into a test tube 2. A little aqueous silver nitrate was added and then the observations were recorded 3. The test tube was placed in a sunny place, and left there for about 5 minutes and then it was observed again 4. Step 1, 2 and 3 were repeated using aqueous potassium bromide, then aqueous potassium iodide instead of sodium chloride ?Data Collection? 1) The solubility of iodine in different solvent Color Solubility Water Colorless Insoluble Cyclohexane Purple Soluble Ethanol Yellow Soluble KI(aq) Yellow-brown Soluble 2) Test iodine reacts with starch: The color of the solution is black. 3) Test the acid-base properties: Cl2 Br2 I2-KI pH value 4 3 12 4) Displacements between halogen elements: The color change of the solution after Cl2, Br2, I2 added into NaCl, KBr and KI respectively Cl2 Br2 I2 NaCl No change No change Brown KBr Pale yellow solution No change Brown KI yellow yellow Brown The color of the upper layers of the solution after hexane added Cl2 Br2 I2 NaCl No change No change Purple red KBr Pale purple No change Purple red KI purple Pale purple Purple red 5) Tests for halide ions: Halide ions (Cl-, Br- and I-) with silver ions: NaCl White precipitate is produced Darkens after it was placed in sunlight KBr Cream precipitate is produced. KI Yellow precipitate is produced. ?Data Analysis? 1) The solubility of iodine in different solvents: The solubility is larger in non-polar solvent (water, ethanol) and smaller in polar solvents.(cylohexane and KI) The purple color of iodine in cyclohexane is that because in non-polar solvents, iodine froms the violet solution. 2) Test iodine reacts with starch: According to the general knowledge we knew, the phenomenon of this reaction should be blue, but the color observed was black-green. That was because some of the starch hydrolysis in water and produced something could make the color darker. 3) Test the acid-base properties: 1. Cl2: The color of the universal indicator papers showed that Cl2 is strong acid. 2. Br2: The color of the universal indicator papers showed that Br2 is a kind of acid, but not very strong. 3. I2: The color of the universal indicator papers showed that I2 is a strong base. Actually, I2 is acid. The reason is that the original color of I2 is red-brown, that made us cant see the phenomenon clearly. 4) Displacements between halogen elements: As what I mentioned above in background, the rule of displacements between halogen elements is that more reactive ones displace less reactive ones. Thats the reason why Br -cant displace Cl -, and I -cant displace Br and Cl-. When there was no reaction between two elements, the color we observed was the blend of original colors of the less reactive element and the solution containing the more reactive element. If theres a reaction between two elements, the color we can observe is the color of the displaced element. According to the information we got from Internet, we knew hexane is a kind of oil and is insoluble in water-solvent. That was the reason why we could differentiate the two layers of each solution very clearly. The colors of each solutions under layer were the original colors of the saline solutions. There were two kinds of instances of the color of upper layer of each solution. For the solutions those do not have I ion, they were colorless. Thats because hexane is colorless and cannot react with Cl or Br -. Another instance is that the solutions include I -, when I meets hexane, it will show the color of itself. That was why we could observe color of purple in this experiment. 5) Test for halide ions: When halide ions dissolved into silver salts, then the precipitate is appear commonly. The white precipitate is AgCl: AgNO3+NaClà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½AgCl+NaNO3 The off-white precipitate is AgBr: AgNO3+KBrà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½AgBr+NaNO3 The pale yellow precipitate is AgI: AgNO3+NaIà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½AgI+NaNO3 After 10 minutes under the sunshine, photodissociation happened on all of them, so the black precipitate on the bottoms of three test tubes are the products of photodissociation. 1. Going down the group, the elements of this group have the same effective nuclear charge. Atomic radius of these elements becomes bigger because of the increase of the number of energy levels. The attraction between nucleus and valence electrons gets weaker. Less energy is required to remove the first electron from one mole of gaseous atoms. The ionization energy going down the group decreases. The ability to attract electrons becomes weaker. The electronegativity going down the group decreases. 2. Organic solvents always contain the element carbon. Inorganic solvents dont contain the element carbon. The most common solvent, water, is an example of an inorganic solvent. There are many more organic solvents than inorganic solvents. Compare with organic and inorganic solvent, the solubility of iodine is higher in organic solvent. 3. The oxidizing power of the halogens decrease going down the group as the size of the atoms increase going down the group as the size of the atoms increases and the attraction between the nucleus and the electrons becomes less. In that case, going down the group, the elements become less powerful oxidising agents. This means that a higher halogen will displace a lower halogen from its salts. A lower halogen cannot displace a higher halogen from its salts. 4. When starch reacts with iodine, the typical blue black color will appear. Thats a good way for us to identify starch and iodine. 5. After photodissociation, the color of some precipitates will change. will become black. Thats the most obvious one. Other precipitates will become darken. 1. Because we use solid iodine in the first experiment. If we add the solvent into the test tube first, the test tube will be wet and the solid iodine we put in later will attach on the surface inside instead of fall into the liquid. For this reason we must add solid iodine first in experiment 1. 2. According to the first experiment, we found that the solubility of iodine in pure water is very low. But the solubility of iodine in potassium iodide solution is relatively much higher. So we use I2-KI solution to increase the amount of iodine in order to let the phenomenon more obvious. REFERENCE 1) à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Chemistryà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½(for use with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) [3rd Edition] John Green Sadru Damji First published in 2007 by IBID Press, Victoria, Page 77 to 78. 2) 3) 4)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Adam Smiths Theory of Self-Interest

Adam Smiths Theory of Self-Interest Adam Smith is a fascinated moral philosopher and an expert of economic. He left two famous books. I can still get much enlightenment when I read his words in this modern society. His mainly research are on morality and economy. This essay will focus on how self-interest motivates individuals in these two aspects and what role does self-interest plays in the developing society. Having found this complex question, we should have a general understanding of what is self-interest? Many people may confound self-interest and selfish. Adam Smith thought people will do whatever good to themselves when they burned and selfish is a human’s natural action. (Smith Moral ex.) But actually those two words have huge differences. Selfish describe a kind of person who just care about himself of herself. They ignore others feeling or benefit as long as they can get something good from what they did. This is really a negative influence which we should abandon it. ‘Self-interest or self-love is derived from the selfish passions, but self-love is not identified with selfishness, because self-love, like other interests, can be virtuous (the virtue of prudence) or evil (greed or avarice).’ (Werhane, PH 1989, p. 671) Self-interest looks like selfish on the surface but indeed it can make an interaction between people. ‘To the selfish and original passions of human nature, the loss or gain of a very small interest of our own appears to be of vastly more importance, excites a much more passionate joy or sorrow, a much greater desire or aversion, than the greatest concern of another with whom we have no particular connection.’ (Smith Moral ex. 8). Everyone who chase them own profits and don’t do harm to others’ benefits in the meantime is called self-interest. Thus help other is helping themselves in fact and the more you get better the more you are willing to help others, which is a kind of huge power to make our society improve, so our society will become much more harmonious and plentiful eventually. That why Adam Smith said: ‘His interests, as long as they are surveyed from this standpoint, can never be put into balance with our own; can never restrain us from doing whatever may tend to promote our own self-interest.’ (Smith Moral ex. 8) On the other hand, although Adam Smith believes self-interest may make people seems selfish, but it will bring sympathy to them as well. Smith said: ‘The man of the most perfect virtue, the man whom we naturally love and admire the most, is he who joins, to the perfect command of his own original and selfish6 feelings, a real appreciation of the original and sympathetic feelings of others.’ (Smith Moral ex. 7) It is a natural when people burn, which let people take others feeling and their happiness or sadness into them own business, even though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it. (Smith Moral ex. 1) Smith thinks sympathy is kinds of sense which will make their emotion fluctuate with others feeling which can resolve the conflict between individual interests and social interests. ‘The man who feels the most or the joys and sorrows of others, is best fitted for acquiring the most complete control of his own joys and sorrows.’ (Smith Mo ral ex. 5) Furthermore sympathy not only means share feelings but understands and contain as well. We can acquire the same feeling when we in the similar circumstance that others had thus we will have a deeply communication with them. They will see the phase called help other is helping me. ‘Smith argues, sympathy, coupled with reason, imagination, and our natural desire for â€Å"what ought to be approved of† provide the conditions that enable us disinterestedly or impartially to examine and to approve or disapprove a motive, character, or action.’ (Werhane, PH 1989, p. 677). So what prompted the ordinary people on many occasions to sacrifice their interests for others bigger benefits? It is not a noble and grant human natural, it is a strong motivation; a self-satisfied; a self-interest! (Smith Moral ex. 11) Smith thought everybody burn with self-interests they only want to do the things good to themselves, which is the prime motive for human’s active. People help others want to achieve their own goal indeed so they will become better when they help others. ‘He will be more likely to get their help if he can interest their self-love in favoring him, and show them that it is for their own advantage to do what he requires of them.’ (Smith Wealth ex. 3) In this case the more individuals chase their benefits the more they motivate the whole society’s progress and the society include all walks of life will achieve a universal prosperity finally. Just as Smith argue that: ‘He is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an outcome which was not part of his intention.’ (Smith Wealth ex. 6) Each individual is thought to be able to perceive his or her own best interests; they act so as to gain pleasure or happiness in whatever way they choose.’ (Heywood, A 2003, p48)This is something that can be a win-win. ‘By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectively than when he really tries to promote it.’ (Smith Wealth ex. 6) So self-interest is a kind of catalytic of improving society to a great extent in this case. ‘In principle, individuals always seek their own economic advantage; and, in principle, they act strictly rationally to achieve this goal.’ (Skirbekk, G Gilje, N 2001, p 250) Smith call this the law of natural which is free competition actually, this invisible hand is a kind of power which make the market fairer. It is important to make a division of labor in the market; I think the competition is the direct reason which causes this phenomenon. ‘It is the necessary, though very slow and gradual, consequence of a certain tendency in human nature which has in view no such ultimate outcome; [this is] the tendency to deal, barter, and exchange one thing for another.’ (Smith Wealth ex. 1) Smith thought it is the division of labor that increases the productivity. Everyone can just accomplish his part of job; he can focus on his own business. There is an idiom called practice makes perfect, so the efficiency of the whole market must be improved. It is a kind of exchange, just as Smith said: ‘give me that which I want, and you shall have what you want. That is the meaning of every such offer†¦. we expect our dinner, but from their concern for their own interest.’ (Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations extracts 6). People always have much more inter est in their own business than the society profits. ‘It was the conduct of individual human beings that led us into this mess, and it is the behavior of individuals as well as the structuring of systems that has to change.’(Garton Ash 2014) So as we can find from here it is self-interest that motivate people to work; to do those economic activities. Moreover, what is the simplest method to reach this boundary? Smith thought is the freedom and non-interventionism. It doesn’t mean no-government, their function is limited to the administration of justice, and they are night watchman. ‘He attacked economic protectionism: the government should meddle as little as possible in trade and industry.’ (Skirbekk, G Gilje, N 2001, p 249) So Smith strongly recommended creating a free-market. ‘In an ideal free market resting on private property, no individual can coerce any other, all cooperation is voluntary, all parties to such cooperation benefit or they need not participate.’ (Friedman 2014, pp. 122-126). He opposed the state intervention in the economy, because he thought the market will automatically adjust. This is what he called ‘the invisible hand’, it will help people maximum their own profits and the society will make progress with individuals in the meantime. So it can make a combine b etween self-interest and public-interest. When the businessmen work hard to do their own business this ‘invisible hand’ will let them to choose the best-fit for the society. This is also help other is help ourselves. ‘Altruism is relegated to no more than delayed self-interest, so, for example, the more we create a good reputation, the more we can exploit it for economic advantage.’ (Hutton Schneider 2014, pp. 13-17.) So as the analyses I have presented above, we can clearly find that self-interest is the necessary and sufficient condition of our society’s thriving and prosperous. The better market can’t leave self-interest, which means they can’t exist without each other. Smith described that the conflict between self-interest and public-interest can be solved by combining them. They made each other! Thus if everyone can motivated by their self-interest, they will try them best to acquire the profits, which can motivate our society’s economy and make the market much more efficient and fairer ultimately.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Examining Organizational Culture In Tawam Hospital Nursing Essay

Examining Organizational Culture In Tawam Hospital Nursing Essay The assignment is about the organizational culture and the effectiveness on the organizational process and outcomes. During this assignment I will start with the culture definition, than I will identify the factors that affecting the organizational culture either internally or externally. Moreover, I will try to analyze my organizational culture and to recognize the type of my organizational culture and its appropriateness with my department plan. Before I end with the conclusion, I will speak about the main key lessons taken from the organizational culture assignment and how will apply it on my department using two effective different ways which is one of the biggest challenges in this assignment. Gudykunst and Ting-Toomey (1988) defined the culture as the learned beliefs, values, norms, symbols and traditions that are common to group of people. It is these shared qualities of group that make them unique culture in dynamic and transmitted to others. In short, culture is the way of life, customs, and script, of group of people. II Factors Affecting  the Organizational Culture: There is no single definition for organizational culture; its influenced by multifactor, like the organizational behavior or the communication of the organization, and also some people affected by the management science of the organization to analyze the organizational culture. A system of knowledge, of standards for perceiving, believing, evaluating and actingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. that serves to relate human communities to their environmental settings (Allaire Firsirotu, 1984). A set of understandings or meanings shred by a group of people that are largely tacit among members and are clearly relevant and distinctive to the particular group which are also passed on to new members (Louis, 1980). There are numbers of external and internal factors affecting any organization. External factors are beyond the control of the organization, whereas the internal factors can be controlled to an extent. (See table 1) External factors Internal factors Political legal Economic Socio/Cultural Technological Demographics Competition Suppliers Distributors Employee Wholesalers Shareholders Partners Table 1: factors affecting the organization. III- My Organizations Culture:   Analysis of My Organizations Culture:   I had analyzed my organizational culture depending on the Harrisons questionnaire (see Appendix 1) to identify the type of culture whether its power, role, task, or self culture. I have found that my organizational culture is Role culture (See table 2). I totally agreed with the result, it fits with my department and organizational culture. Culture power role task self Score 39 57 34 20 Table 2: Organizational Culture. My organization is one of the biggest hospitals in the United Arab Emirates; its called as Tawam hospital. Its a governmental facility, operated by the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi (HAAD) and managed by Johns Hopkins medicine. It provides healthcare services to the community of Alain city and referral for the emirates and other surrounding gulf countries. Its a 477 bedded tertiary centre, and also it has with polyclinics with 92 specialty clinics per day and 3 primary healthcare centers located around the city to facilitate the healthcare for the surrounding areas. The organization was established on 1979 in Alain city while I have joined the organization in 2006; its accredited by JCI since 2006. My organization is one of the biggest healthcare organizations in the country, it has a divisional structure, its composed from multidisciplinary specialties and divisions, each division work as a small organization focusing on their specific plan leading in the end to achieve the general plans and objectives of the organization under the supervision of the top manager of the organization (CEO). My culture is really a role culture , it runs by the coordination of senior managing group, all works inside the organization controlled by rules, regulations, and fixed polices that protect the employees and provides a high quality of care to all customers. The CEO is impersonal and correct, he never use his authority for his own personal issues. All leaders in the organization follow the appropriate ways/channels of communication structure directed from top to down and information flows upward within the functional pyramids which meet at the top, but the cross-communication is totally rejected. Most of the employees are competent, responsible and reliable and they meet the duties and responsibilities of their job description with strong sense of loyalty to the organization leading to provide a high quality of care to all customers. The relation between the employee and the organization is controlled by rules and regulations through clear contract between them, leading to build up strong trust and relationship. The controller of the employees activities is the responsible one for directing them with impersonal exercise of economic and political power to enforce procedures and standards performance. Due to the role culture of the organization, works run through formal rules and regulations, and that help in improving the control and managing conflicts between the staff by formal ways, also it protects the security of the employee against the external factors and enhancing the team work between them. Finally, I believe that the role culture is acting properly during this period, with the new JCIA standards and the organizational rules; there is a good environment for the employees to provide the best care for all types of customers with safe and evidence-based practice. The Appropriateness of the Culture with the Department: All cultures are good in the right place, because each culture is good for something and less good for others (Handy, 1990). Before going deeply and critically analyzing the fitness and appropriateness of the role culture with the strategic plans of my organizational/department objectives and, what are my departments mission, vision and values? The departments mission is to provide a full range of medical, surgical, and specialized services to our patients (Employee Handbook, 2007, p. 4). However, my departments vision stated that the department will provide high quality, affordable, medical services delivered in friendly, safe, and caring environment which meet JCIA standard of care (Employee Handbook, 2007, p. 4). Lastly, my departments value stated that the department believes in treating all patients, visitors and employees with respect dignity and quality and guided by UAE laws and respect for patient rights (Employee Handbook, 2007, p. 4). I believe that the role culture is the ideal one for his department which is dealing with clinical services and with high quality of care in suitable environment and all these issues controlled by accredited standards and country laws. Harrison (1972) who analyzes the organizational culture defined the role cultures as those in which behavior is governed by rules, regulations and legitimacy. Priority is given to developing appropriate policies and procedures, and thus emphasis is placed upon means rather than ends. In addition to that, there are several factors which lead the role culture to be fit with the objectives of the department starting from the formal way of communication which lead to enhance the effectiveness of work, and will provide good and suitable environment for work. Also, all the employees are aware for their rights and responsibilities which will provide safe and comfortable media for work and protect them from any external assault. On the other hand, the main problem that faces my department in the last recent years is the existence of few people still believing in the power of national culture and how they can affect and change inside the governmental organization, but by the accredited standard that applied in the organization, it was started to resolve gradually and people start to believe by rules and regulations. Finally, I believe that the role culture going with the same direction with my departments strategic plans in a very effective way to achieve the main goals and mission for his department by providing high standards of clinical services and customer services with high accredited standards and evidence-based practice. Key Lessons: During the last two years, my job was a staff nurse in my department, but a team leader responsibility was allocated to me to take care about one of the treatment rooms in the infusion center inside the oncology department, my team consists from three nurses and I am the younger staff. I learned a lot of management skills and good experience from daily activities that helped me in managing the team in a good manner, but I still missing the basic part, that will support me in all decisions and will change my way of thinking and improve my problem solving skills, which is the updated knowledge. During the analyzing of my organizational culture, I learned several useful lessons in improving the outcomes of my practice. The main two key lessons are: managing conflicts and managing team work. Managing Conflicts: The 1st lesson is how to manage conflicts; Marquis and Huston (2003) defined conflict as the internal or external discord that results from differences in ideas, values, feeling between two or more people. To be a good manager, you need to understand the personality of all your employees in your department, to clarify all the rules, standards, rights and responsibilities for the employees and to be the reference in all the problems occurs in the department. Conflicts have two different faces either positive or negative. In the positive face, conflicts will lead to more safe competitions and team work and it should be controlled by rules and regulations. Tjosvold and Tjosvold (1995) stated that conflicts also have appositive side, however for example, in the process of learning how to manage conflict, people can develop more open, cooperative ways of working together. On the other side, conflicts also having the negative face which will increase the stress and affects the team works if it kept unresolved. Lombardi (2001) found that unresolved conflicts have potentially harmful effects on people. Serious conflicts can be very stressful for the people involved. To manage and control conflicts, you need to prepare good the environment in your department, to be fair between the employees, to make sure nobody will lose from this conflict and try always to make conflicts having positive face, which will lead to reach your objectives and outcomes in good manner. The optimal goal in resolving conflict is creating a win-win solution for all involved. This outcome is not possible in every situation, and often the managers goal is to manage the conflict in manner that lessons the perceptual differences that exist between the involved parties (Marquis Huston, 2003). Managing Teamwork: The workforce or people factor is recognized as an important organization asset in contributing to performance at an individual, team or organizational level (Senior, 1997). One of the most important lessons from this assignment is how to manage teamwork, to apply this lesson in the real practice, you need to have common purposes between the manager or the team leader and the group, all rules and responsibilities should be clear for all, and tasks should be contributed equally between them, climate of trust, learning and mutual support should be inserted in the department, team must be composed from different characteristics like experience, skills and knowledgeable people, in addition to that you also need good manager who manage the team and direct them in the correct way and to solve the conflicts and problems in professional way . A managerial challenge when developing and recruiting teams is to ensure that they have necessary collective skills and competencies to deliver not only the organizations business objectives but also to establish effective teamwork (Kieran Judith, 2006). IV Conclusion: To conclude the assignment, I talked about the organizational culture and the correlation with the internal and external factors that can affect the organization, moreover, I critique my organizational culture Role culture using Harrisons questionnaire to distinguish it, then I try to approve the appropriateness of the role culture with my department strategy and finally I ended my assignment with most key lessons that he learned from my organizational culture which are managing conflicts and managing teamwork. Finally, to manage people and organization, you need to be good manager or a team leader by building good teamwork, understanding the organizational behavior and culture and putting a development plan for your department and keeping your employee motivated all the time. No manager can make a team perform well but they can create a supportive environment and ensure the right conditions are in place to encourage the development of the characteristics of effective team work (Kieran Judith, 2006). V References: Allaire, Y., Firsirotu, M.E. (1984). Theories of organizational culture. Organization Studies 5,193-226. Gudykunst, W.B., Ting -Toomey, S. (1988). Culture interpersonal communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Handy, C. (1990). Understanding schools as organizations. London: Penguin Books. Harrison, R. (1972). Understanding Your Organizations Character. Harvard business Review, 119 128. Human Resources Department. (2007). Employee Handbook: Tawam hospital.UAE. Kieran, W., Judith, S. (2006). Healthcare Management, U.S.A, New York: Open University Press. Lombardi, D.N. (2001). Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager. Sanfrancisco: Jossy-Bass. Louis, M.R. (1980). Organizations as culture-bearing milieu: In Organizational Symbolism. Greenwich, CT: JAI. Marquis, B. L., Huston, C. J. (2003). Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory Application (4th ed.). Philadelphia PA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Senior, B. (1997). Team role and team performance: Is there really a link. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 70(3), 241. Tjosvold, D., Tjosvold, M.M. (1995). Psychology for Leaders: Using Motivation, Conflict, and Power to Manage More Effectively. New York: John Wiley Son VI- Appendix 1:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Factors that Influece a Healthy Heart Essay -- Exercise, Health, Lifest

Healthy Hearts 1. Different ways in which exercise keeps your Heart Healthy. Cardiovascular System (preventing Angina and Cardiovascular diseases) Citizens who regularly exercise, significantly have less cardiovascular diseases such as Angina (which described in in image 1a is caused due poor blood flow through the blood vessels in the heart.) lowering their risk of heart attacks, strokes, and impotence. Regular exercise lowers blood pressure, raises the level of protective high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, stimulates weight loss, decreases inflammation and helps prevent blood clots. The Harvard Alumni Study found that the incidence of heart attack was proportionate to the amount of exercise performed. Men exercising less than 2,000 kcal a week had 64% higher risk of heart attack than those who exercised at higher rates. Another study showed that a three-month period of intense physical activity, can alternatively increase HDL cholesterol as much as 33% and decrease in LDL cholesterol as much as 9% reducing chances of Cardiovascular diseases. Even Non-intense exercises as much as 20 minutes of walking reduces 19% of such chances. b. Deduction in the Heart Rate (increase in lifespan) The average resting heart rate for an normal adult ranges between 60 to 100 beats per minute (The table below describes the pulse rates for different age groups). Generally, a lower heart rate implies a more efficient heart function and a better cardiovascular system. For example, a well-trained athlete might have a normal resting heart rate as low as 40 beats per minute. Researchers have also found that men with fast resting heart rates are more likely to develop high blood pressure symptoms than those with slower rates. Some sympto... ... - Heart & Circulatory System. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. . 3. Images- "How Angina Pectoris Occurs?" Health Giants RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. . 2. Vasagar, Jeevan, and Martin Williams. "Teachers Warned over Befriending Pupils on Facebook." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 24 Jan. 2012. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. . 3. "Running in Cork, Ireland." : Running Marathons May Cause Damage to Your Heart. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

American Teenagers and Plastic Surgery Essay -- Health Medicine Beauty

American Teenagers and Plastic Surgery Plastic surgery is not a new field of medicine. Traditionally, plastic surgery dealt with fixing abnormalities of the body, but recently people are enjoying the luxury of plastic surgery simply because they are not happy with their appearance. People make appointments with plastic surgeons for procedures such as rhinoplasty, liposuction, tummy tucks, face lifts, and most commonly breast augmentation. These people look forward to desired results from such procedures without considering the risks. Many risks accompany plastic surgery, but they are rarely discussed in the media. Death is even a possible conclusion of the surgery. Why would people subject themselves to such conditions as having their face swollen for weeks, barely being able to walk, and the excruciating pain that comes after they awaken from surgery? Even more important is the question, why are teenagers becoming more and more eager to get plastic surgery operations performed on themselves? Sometimes teenagers have certain features that can benefit from plastic surgery, but most of the time society makes teenagers have an altered sense of the perfect body image. In reality, the perfect body image is something that does not exist. Plastic surgeons comment about how common it is to meet a young patient who would like to have features of their favorite celebrities. Young women want Jennifer Lopez’s bottom, Jennifer Aniston’s nose, and Britney Spears’ facial features. Young men would like to have Brad Pitt’s facial features. To me, such expectations seem implausible. God made me the way I am. I would not change a thing. But I am sure that at one time the teenagers who are receiving these procedures believed th... ... life is simply to learn to love yourself just the way you are. So the bottom line is: Teenagers should be educated by society on the dangers of plastic surgery. They should be aware of the bad as well as the good. But, when it comes down to the decision whether or not to have plastic surgery, I hope that teenagers will use their better judgment and not the judgment of other people as a factor. Works Cited Bermant, Michael, â€Å"Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Teens.† American Board of Plastic Surgery (2004). 31 Aug. 2004 . Davis, Robert, â€Å"Teens' cosmetic dreams don't always come true.† USA Today (2004). 2 Oct. 2004 . Dolan, Deidre, â€Å"The Kindest Cut: Teens and Plastic Surgery.† The New York Observer (2004). 4 Oct. 2004 .

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ethical Dilemma: Donna and Wilma Essay

Abstract In this paper, you will be able to see how to apply professional values, codes of ethics, and decision-making model to the process of ethical decision-making. I chose to look at ethical dilemma number 4. In this dilemma, a client’s confidentiality has been breached; due to her counselor. The first approach is for me to identify the problem and apply the ACA code of ethics. I then identify the moral principles and list all possible courses of action that could betake. Also list all possible consequences for each action that could be taken. I then carefully review, after which I chose what I believe to be the most accurate course of action for this scenario. So lastly I will take you step by step of how this action plan will be implement. Ethical Dilemma I chose to review ethical dilemma 4. Where Wilma, a counselor in a community agency, has been working with Donna for several months for anxiety and panic disorder. On multiple occasions, Wilma has given Donna homework to complete between sessions that has not been completed by Donna. This past week, Wilma sees Donna again in session and assigns her some more homework. Later that week, Wilma and a friend go out to dinner. Wilma looks up to see that Donna is her waitress. Frustrated with Donna’s lack of effort with her homework and in an effort to hold Donna accountable, Wilma decides to inquire if Donna has done her homework and says, â€Å"Donna, I am glad I ran into you. Have you done your homework since our last session?† I chose to review this particular ethical dilemma because this is something that could easy happen to any professional, if you fail to think before you speak. It can even be done with no ill intentions. However this could possible destroy the client and counselor relationship that has been built. The problem with this hypothetical ethical dilemma is that the client’s confidentiality was broken and relationship boundaries were crossed. This is an ethical and possible a  legal problem. It is an ethical problem because the clients confidentiality was broken when Wilma inquire if Donna had been working on her homework from their last session. It can also become a legal issue if Donna pursues it. This can become a major problem as it relates to the Wilma and the agency that she works for because the client’s confidentiality was broken. Donna could contact the agency that Wilma is employed for, or even contact the state board of counselors. The ACA code of ethics covers any ethical issues that a counselor maybe faced with. While reading over the ACA code of ethics confidentiality privileged communication and privacy was coved in great detail. Respecting Client Rights was defined as â€Å"counselors maintain awareness and sensitivity regarding cultural meanings of confidentiality and privacy. Counselors respect differing views toward disclosure of information. Counselors hold ongoing discussions with clients as to how, when, and with whom information is to be shared† (Ethics & Professional Standards, 2005). In the case with Wilma and Donna , Wilma was not sensitivity regarding Donna’s privacy. Wilma was having dinner with a friend and Donna was at work. That was not the right time to address anything that they had coved in a counseling session. According the ACA codes of ethics Wilma did not have respect for privacy or respect for confidentiality for her client. The ACA code of ethics defines respect for privacy as â€Å"Counselors respect client rights to privacy. Counselors solicit private information from clients only when it is beneficial to the consoling process† (Ethics & Professional Standards, 2005). It is also stated that respect for confidentiality â€Å"Counselors do not share confidential information without client consent or without sound legal or ethical justification† (Ethics & Professional Standar ds, 2005). I believe that it a counselor’s main moral principle is loyalty to their clients and honoring their commitments to them. In this case Donna believe that anything that was discussed in their counseling sections would remain confidential. â€Å"There are state and national organization That work to assist clients and professional counselors in taking the appropriate legal and ethical steps. The American Counseling Association provides free confidential professional/ethical consolations to members of the ACA. If a counselor is advice they van contact the ACA Ethics and Professional  Standards Department to set up appointments. Counselors can also contact their state LPCA to receive information regarding the proper protocol for certain cases† (Ethics & Professional Standards, 2005). There are several potential course of action in this case. Any course of action that would be taking would be fully up to Donna in this case. Donna could ignore the comments that Wilma made to her. Donna could talk to Wilma, and express that she didn’t appreciate how she addressed her personal issues in front of a stranger and while she was at work. Also let Wilma know she would appreciate if she wouldn’t do that again. After Donna address this issue with Wilma she could chose to keep her as her counselor or ask for a new counselor. Donna could also consult another counselor to determine the best course of action to take against Wilma. Lastly, Donna could contact ACA for legal and ethical advice regarding breach of confidentiality. For each potential course of action there is a potential consequence(s) and implications for each chose. If Donna choses to ignore the comment that Wilma made to her, there will not be any consequence for Wilma. However there could be potential consequences and/or implications for Donna. If Donna ignores the comments, Wilma may keep to making statements. If Donna talks to Wilma, and express that she didn’t appreciate how she addressed her personal issues in front of a stranger and while she was at work, this could help. The consequences of this course of action could be beneficial to both Donna and Wilma. It could be beneficial to both parties, Wilma will see that she breached her clients confidentiality and Donna will have the chance to express how that made her feel. This could help rebuild the trust that was lost do to Wilma’s lack of professionalism; it could also help Donna with her anxiety. If Donna consults another counselor to determine the best course of action, this could be very important in this case. By discussing this with another counselor can help Donna gain a better insight as to how to handled and move forward with treatment. Lastly if Donna contacts the ACA board for legal and ethical advice, this could have major consequences for Wilma and the agency. Wilma will most likely be fined or even have her licenses revoked. I believe that the best course of action in this case would be for Donna to talk Wilma, and express that she didn’t appreciate how she addressed her personal issues in front of a stranger and while she was at work. I believe this is the best course of action only because Wilma did not go into detail  about what the homework consisted of. Although Donna confidentiality was breached, no significant information was exposed, other then the fact that she sees a counselor. I don’t believe that is would be necessary for any legal action to be taken. I do believe that Donna should inform another member of the agency of what happened and the course of a ction that she has chose to take in dealing with dilemma. The selected course of action does not present any new ethical problems in my eyes. I believe that Donna has covered herself in all areas. If Donna talks to Wilma and also consult another counselor in the agency, this should eliminate any potential ethical problems. After reviewing all possible courses of actions and consequences, I believe the most beneficial option would be to for Donna to talk Wilma, and express that she didn’t appreciate how she addressed her personal issues in front of a stranger and while she was at work and consult another counselor in the agency. I applied the test of justice, publicity, and universality here are my findings. Justice: In this case choosing to consult Wilma with this dilemma it will help Wilma be more aware of confidentiality of her clients. Publicity: In the public eye Wilma is not acting ethically. Universality: The course of action that Donna has chosen (addressing Wilma and consulting another counselor in the agency) would be a great recommendation for other people put in similar situations. There are certain steps that Donna has to take in order to implement this course of action. First, Donna needs to consult the other counselor that works for Wilma agency. Donna should have a sit down conversation with this person and go over each detail of the event that happen on the night she was working. Also Donna should express the course of action that she wants to take to handle this case. Lastly Donna, Wilma and the counselor that Donna informed of the incident should all have a sit down conversation. Donna can then explain to Wilma how she felt and the lack of professionalism. Wilma and Donna are both being protected in this case because there is a three person there to over see the conversation and take notes that can go into Wilma and Donna records. References Chappell, C. (2013, July 1). Virginia Board of Counseling . Retrieved November 15, 2013, from Ethics & Professional Standards. (2005). Retrieved November 15, 2013, from American Counseling Association: